
I was thinking of the usual failed weapons (Thresher, Lucifer, Vulture) and then suddenly remembered Tachis, I haven not seen a Tachi build in months

Devs clearly want it to be used the “proper” way rather than front mounting them, but it just does not work that way, clearly because I don’t see anyone using these and the prices have plummeted (under 150 coins last time I checked) and there’s a few builds in the exhibition (a total of three) and even with boosters and a stationary target in test drive, they just don’t work.

Have you guys seen any side mounted Tachi builds anywhere ever since they made them not work front mounted?

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The driving controls in this game are much to poor to manage the fancy maneuvers required of side-mounted Tachi. Even driving in a straight line is periodically and suddenly unmanageable.

I was surprised anybody would even think to side-mount Tachi. I thought it was clear at a glance that arrangement wouldn’t work for crap.

I do…did like my Tachi, though. I wish the Blight or Tormentor did more to buff their range.

I’ve made an effort to use them sideways, but it is very challenging to play them that way.
But a good pass by an enemy can take them out of the game, popping explosives, melting frames, and taking off wheels.
Better at lower PS. Shivs help deal some extra damage and resistance from getting knocked off in collisions. Building a front end that bounces off collisions.
I’m guessing that omniwheels might make them easier to use, but I wonder if sideways strafing might cancel out the sideways perk?

I’m planning to do a build with them, i already have a concept how to do that and all.
Being that dirt cheap will be a low investment, low risk situation.
Aggressor might be a good option for tachi.
Side mount a tachi could be a good way to counter tachi itself ( melee) builds or whoever gonna t bone our build, but playing defensive in hopes that someone will t bones us will be a bit situational to say the least.
I’m not seeing omnis wheels working with them either because of their perk, direction of movement ( if i’m not mistaken ).

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ghost cab and yeti…for that extra 28% damage when you say “BOO!!!”
:rofl: :crazy_face:

Honestly front facing Tachis were not that huge of a problem imo, rather than just making the weapon non-usable they could just have removed the synergy with boosters and other damage boosting stuff that would have taken the place of cockpit and boosters

Then again they had to kill off Tempuras too at first because they were more popular than Tachis, just like they did with Incinerators because Jotun.

God the more you look at this game the more it looks like it’s being ran by a child throwing temper tantrums

That’s not a bad idea, I might try that.

Aggressor would be tricky, as you usually have to adjust your steering to line up a good drive-by.

I’m going to try them with Cockpit and some boosters.

Blight works if you have one. I made an ok lower PS build with Jockey, and Howl could work as well.

I’m curious if I could get Icebox to work with them, maybe with a Skinner to stick victims onto my side and roast them.

The beauty of side mounting is that if you manage a good driveby you can destroy so many vital parts of a build. Ramming is easier, but it becomes concentrated damage at a small spot, which isn’t nearly as effective.

My last Jockey build used one tempura shooting forward for ramming, and two Tachis shooting out either side. It meant that usually only one weapon actually connected, but also meant that no matter how I hit my victim one of them would do something.

…someone was talking about astreus, somewhere iirc…

just now made …just a prototype for a “PeeK-a-BOOM!” build tbh…single non fused ast did 500dmg , with ALL boosts…it’s in my exib, so…
:crazy_face: :grin:

If Tachis can’t be mounted pointing down ignore this post, don’t feel like logging back in and testing

Has anyone tested downward facing Tachis on a helicopter or a walker? There could be something there

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I did an upward firing tempura car back when they were new, for attacking spiders and hovers. So downwards could work with tachis.
A walker with a skinner maybe?

IMO, the saws work better with legs, because once you make contact with the enemy things get real bouncy, unstable, and wobbly. Making any kind of flush, controlled, steady, or consistent contact is almost impossible. The saws are a lot more forgiving.

I did try Tempura, but I thought the saws worked better…not great, but I didn’t give it a lot of attention.

A downward facing legged Tempura or Tachi build might have to be unconventionally wide to be stable enough work, I think, but IDK.

I can report that downward facing saws are good at stripping weapons off the top of builds by just walking over them. They are of course good for discouraging the dog-rush too.

The build leans forward into a crouch when it’s actually spawned, so the saw ends up a little lower in practice with this build (the armor plating on the head is very heavy).

EDIT: I don’t have a harvester, but I’m thinking downward facing Harvester(s) would be the way to go for a melee walker. I’m thinking it might be downright menacing. I may be sorry for even mentioning it.

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