Tempest and Whirl need a nerf

They just own everyone at low powerscore.

I noticed lots of that too.

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They used to be hardcountered by shotguns, and somewhat countered by MGs. I’d say fix SGs and MGs before touching them, it’s not like they’re overperforming at the PS where specials and epics are usually played.

I generally see very little rares around 4k, so it’s safe to say Rapiers/Wasps/LBs/Vectors etc could use a buff.

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Wasps definitely need a buff. Rapiers need a buff to their turn speed, the devs selectively buffed weapon turn speed but ignored the worst slowest turning weapons (limited angle cannons included) Vectors also need a huge buff to their bloom gain in full auto. They are unusable unless you tapfire 2-3 round bursts and wait for bloom to reset. At least they were the last time I used them (over a year ago lol) A lot of weapons have really dumb rng bloom mechanics that only exist at lower rarities to be a thorn to newbies.

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I feel like the whole Wasp/Pyralids/Locust branch needs a buff. They’re made of paper, and with the many changes that increased TTK, they just don’t dish the damage that would justify such low durability anymore.