Terrible Relic Module Idea

Relic depleted uranium rounds with 100% penetration.

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I have an even worse one
Relic Daze

just completely shuts down the car and lets them sit there for 10 seconds without them being able to do anything…
now where have i seen that ability before… hmmmm… :thinking:

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Relic Repulsor

Violently knocks back all enemy vehicles near you.

…imagine this one on Ravagers Foothold or Air Harbor.

what about relic fuel barrel,adding more fuel award and super explosive:slight_smile:

And the size of a Mad Max tanker truck?

not that crazy bro.
I don’t know whether you noticed the gas barrels on the truck in the “hit and run “.It’s around 448 or 336
I’m sure that nobody would like this idea because it’s terribly terrible.

Like the one the devs used for the mech walkers with the little ravager spiders in that one event? or the boss in the other event? I forgot the names of the events :sob:

Yeah, exactly that actually.

Relic instareloader that uses ammo, basically brings back that machine gun cannons thing that was going on with Hadron at one point