The Crossout business model

MAYBE, they should just roll this game back to just prior to Supercharged, stop screwing with it so hard, and go develop another game with Mech-monsters and pew-pew and sell this new attitude there? Hell, I might even enjoy the variety and play both if they used the same artistic expertise.

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Is there a record of when Gaijin bought Targem?

I wouldn’t mind if they got rid of premium, crosscrowns, and packs, leaving just BPs and mini-BPs.
But I don’t know how much revenue they might be giving up to do that.

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I do love when people use things that are blatently OP and then act surprised when that OP thing is balanced out and try to pass it off as if those not abusing it and instead acknowleging the item is broken are the ones to blame lol

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The concept of F2P relies in the assumption if a player spend enough time in the game it will spend money eventually.

So far so good, but there are other things connected, politics, some psychology of masses, scientific models and so on. Like maintaining the player frustrated with what he have to pursuit the next thing and better to buy this now or you will miss out complex. and so on.

When the Game invests resources in the creation of a weapon/ class/ whatever, it wants to see the return of that investment, that may lead to protected Classes/ type of builds and so on, they want to ensure a minimum use of such things in game.

What i would do if i was in charge? Simple.
cap the market. I would fix the prices of the items on the market according to rarity.
rare= 50 coins, specials = 100 coins, epic = 500 coins, legendary = 2500

Change the PS sistem in the MM, instead of PS, the primary requirement would be rare only would fight with rare, specials with specials and so on, only builds who are made with a mix of parts between rarities would fall under the PS system primarly.
It looks tough for the low side but would keep things in their place in higher side.

Drop the fame/ prestige or what’s the name, the most futile thing and put raw material as a reward if you reach 2000 points - 20000 points - 70000 points

Reinstate the old races as before but with a kind of championship, you would get a place in the general season and a place in your division ( according to the used movement part).

I would put ranked battles seasons every year or every 6 month. Enough time to get the rewards and to saviour our accomplishment

Presential Levi battles as is or levi vs levi

Premium builds with combat properties, you would buy the packs not to sell as parts but to fight.

I think this would be enough, people would enjoy more and actual spending money on the traditional forms, premium, BP, packs and so on.

I’m generally comfortable spending about $40 a year on the game via the BP system. Paying in for 4 at the current price isn’t bad.

I have to agree and would also add that new structure parts on packs would up their value by a lot too. The release of those new parts for badges seems to undercut their value as both prestige parts and in general pack value as well. I think that’s going to be something difficult that they will have to work out.

New players get a lot more than the old starting players use to. It still might not be enough though. They are basically starting players with some special weapons right now after they finish the starting tutorial.

I really think they need to redo the awakening mode as the starting area and allow the sandbox game aspects of pvp to be the back seat at some points. A lot of the starting tutorials could be mixed into that mode and it would make it more game like rather then the pvp grind fest that it often is.

Stuff like going out and exploring to build up your garage area. Meet the NPCs and bring them home, Experience the mysteries of the wastelands, earn the faith of your co-drivers… They’re missing a lot of the meat that games normally have as they keep just giving that to us in story posts as it’s easier for them.

I just feel like they are stuck right now in terms of this has to be a pvp match sandbox and they are ignoring the other stuff they could do that also requires player vs player interaction in different ways. Where is my base raids on other players. Can I make defensive structures in my garage with my parts… A lot of people said they were interested in making their own maps. Could would pay in for different amounts of map space for bases, can we use the garage stuff differently in those areas like a square could be textured as a house or building…

I know everyone’s going to have stuff they don’t like in the game but my hesitance to buy in more is mostly is based on what things I enjoy that the game doesn’t have at this point. More so than in any disappointment on the existing stuff. I can still go and enjoy a few matches each night and that’s fine by me.


I think some of the suggestions here on how to improve the game overall have some merit, but none of those ideas address the business model aspect.

I guess that means that some of you think the model is fine, but would work better if the game was more to your liking. I don’t disagree with that completely: I think that if we accept that they’re not going to be able to leave the F2P model, than their current mixture of revenue streams isn’t that bad.

Having said that, many of the things you guys are frustrated with are kind of built into the F2P model. The grind has to be relatively slow to encourage people to buy premium subscriptions, or packs, or BPs. People aren’t going to spend money if they don’t think it will improve their experience, so things are always going to be a bit tough for free players.

Items will always have to be buffed or nerfed as other items are added, and as the community find new ways of using the items. Don’t take it personally. While they may not always succeed, it’s clear their goal is to keep all play styles fun enough that people keep playing.

As much as I hear forum members claim that the devs are biased towards certain items, the sheer diversity of complaints undermines that theory. We have people convinced that the devs favour melee, while others are sure the devs prefer hovers. Pretty much every weapon group has had an OP item at some point, and those items have always been nerfed eventually. Given the chaotic history of their balancing attempts, it seems much more likely that it’s just hard to balance a game like this, not that the devs are master manipulators tricking the poor players into buying the current OP item. After all, it’s not like the devs get a cut of market transactions for sought after items.

I do wonder how much of a difference it would make to new players if the factions levelled up quicker, and unlocked structure parts more often. Of course you can achieve this through using the faction flags, but seems like most people ignore that option. Maybe get rid of the flags and make that reputation boost always on? Wouldn’t make the devs more money, but might help turn more of those casual new players into committed long term players.

It’s just a hard question. When I first started messing with pre-web gaming in the mid 80s there were f2p models but people would get kicked from the games when the servers got to full. The only players that didn’t get kicked like that were paying members. Most things were subscription based but that didn’t mean the quality of the game or the gaming experience was any better that was just done for access control and to pay for the service of the game platform with small residuals for the owner. Gaming has significantly changed over the years though.

I do think they could do a better job, I do think they are trying, I do think some avenues haven’t been explored.

I do think the F2P player will always be the hardest way to experience the game. I still think that is a great option though otherwise some people wouldn’t be able to experience it at all.

I think players would get bored a little faster. Most competitive players start to realize after a while not every structure part is equally endowed with their mass to hp and ps ratios and tend to prefer those with better ratios. So we have a lot of parts that players will not put onto a build outside of the perception of the look of the build.

I still have a huge collection of flags I hardly ever use them as leveling things after a while just doesn’t matter.

Honestly I think were just missing many of the traditional gaming aspects that keep players enjoying games. If you go on youtube and search skyrim you’ll find people just discussing the lore of skyrim they have that type of lore here but you can’t find it in the game itself. I think there is a large amount of gamers want that type of game experience. Here we just have endless amounts of lets break stuff for the fun of it.


Yet I don’t even know who you are

This thread somehow assumes that XO is doomed to have a tiny playerbase. It’s not the case. This game has a tiny playerbase because it has garbage retention rate. All the people I introduced to the game immensely enjoyed the lego creation and arcade gameplay, but left because of the slow grind and mobile game monetization. Period. And it’s not anecdotal evidence. Players download XO, try it, enjoy it, but leave anyway.
The small playerbase is only a result of not many people being pigeons/having the patience for this bullshit. Nothing else.

PoE is massively successful, and it’s way, way more f2p than XO will ever be. LoL is massively sucessful, and it’s way, way more f2p than XO will ever be. Both games can be extremely expensive, but last time I checked they only sold cosmetics and commodities.


Most of the people I’ve introduced to the game have made it past that part but quit via the nerf cycle…


they wouldn’t if meta cycled, but this game’s balance is a joke. Same shit has been OP for years, and when a random legendary can compete it gets nuked into oblivion lol.

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I take it jokingly as I play all the weapons but some just like cannons or just like auto-cannons and when they make a de-buff for them they quit. I can’t do much about that it’s just kind of sad as they missed a lot of the game.


I see yor point, but usually people end up playing a few wepon types. Now the question is, can they grind far enough to diversify before the game turns to sh!t for them?

A fair example my cousin quit slightly just after making his first typhon. He spend the majority of everything he had on the one weapon and then they nerfed it. That’s kind of your end game rage quitting. I had told him multiple times though don’t bother getting anything over legendary though.

It’s in someway very laughable but sad at the same time…


Some will some won’t it’s kind of the wasteland moto at this point. I do wish it was better though.

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Can you name any indie games that have gone from small to big, this many years after launch?
Do you really think it’s realistic that Crossout could somehow jump into the big time at this point, without some major marketing money behind that kind of push?

I mean I admire your optimism, but I see no basis for it.

im sure your cousin is a total schmock, but still, targem made the game to be like that.

way too expensive top tier gear plus erratic and drastic “balance” changes/meta switches.

youre here calling your cousin a fool for not realizing parts of the game must be ignored stoically for them to not burn you out in a very forseeable future. yet you seem to see little fault with targem and instead “hate the player”.

others just say: its mostly kind of a crappy game, mostly.

“indie game” it’s a Gaijin game dev’ed by a full grown studio operating since decades, making their own engines, marketed by throwing money at PewDiePie. There’s nothing indie about it.

They already threw massive marketing money at it, but it didn’t stick because the game sucks ass and would rather milk 10k whales/fragile players out of their houses than make money through a healthy playerbase.

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At least try to spell it right smuck… He has his issues but he isn’t an a prick as you suggest being vernacularly quiet on it.

This I would agree with you on.

Wasn’t calling him a fool but yes he burned out on it.

No that’s just your take on it…