The Final Battle

I find Op BO incredibly dull, repetitive, no real scope for variety and the amount of crackers you get is rubbish (25 - 30 max w/o premium) and tbh it’s really boring after the first few games. If you need to grind this one to get crackers you have my deepest sympathy, absolutely soul destroying.
Most of the associated mission rewards are fluff as well, only thing useful is the logistics container for the storage/blueprint.

Should have done something similar to the other xmas raid where you go through progressively more difficult raiders before having a crack at Lloyd, maybe with limited lives/PS limitations ect. That would have been far better imo.

The cracker payout for this is abysmal compared to the scorpion brawl and christmas hunt but I am sadly stuck with it has I need to craft 2 relic containers with the king ducks to get the rippers. I have 3300 crackers and I need to grind out the final 2700 thru this event earning on average 13-15 crackers per battle. Each battle averages around 2 to 3 minutes plus at least 1 minute queue times during peak hours so that’s about 4 minutes per battle. That means i will average about 200 crackers per hour so at that rate it will take me at least 13.5 hours straight of non stop playing to get my final relic container, utter nonsense!!!

this mode is pretty fun :cowboy_hat_face:

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I actually did that on some of the previous events without realizing :person_facepalming:

It was pretty effective at killing ravagers but as soon as it was pointed out I was blocking team mates as well I stopped immediately, every day is a school day!

Ouch, that’s utterly hateful.

So glad I did all mine in the Xmas Hunt, anything I get from this is a bonus but tbh as soon as I do the mission challenge (like the 2 kills today) I just leave the match. Yes, I do hate the raid that much!

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38 crackers is the most I can hope to get! oh my god!

Finally managed to escape and all i got for that nearly 6 minute session was a measly 25 crackers, what a joke.

25 crackers

Got a temporary ban for not playing the spiders. I ain’t playing that crap, sorry, not sorry. They actually found a way to make those wonky to pilot, and I’m not amused. Make the bots do that crap, or make them more amusing to drive. I’d prefer the latter.

They did the same thing to Operation Red Light. I like the Ravagers, but I hate getting stuck in handicapped avatars that can barely make a left turn. This is why I avoid at least 90% of the brawls here. I just can’t do the wonk. Super glad I don’t have to. Thanks.

Cool map, though.

idk if it was meant to be overpowered but i was a spider in there and hit a jump pad while the good guys were going through this little obstacle course driving around walls, i landed directly on top of them and destroyed about 3 or 4 of them at once. needless to say i found that a bit… cheap… it just bounced me over the entire field into the middle of the course and right on top of them. how were they supposed to fight that if the enemy lands directly on top of them and in such a tight corridor? i never made it to the end but that reward is so terrible.

“a bit cheap” is targems motto

Some people are loving this mode. I’m a little jealous. They tend to be using higher tiered weapons than Therms and Storms, but my problem is more like trying to navigate through the clusterphuk with a touch of lag and not having a fatal accident.

This is worse when playing as a spider. I can’t drive those for crap, and they are necessarily flimsy and weak too, in order to fit into the climax of the battle. It sucks to be a spider. I can’t do it. I mean, you usually “win” as a Ravager, and nobody ever really “looses,” but it doesn’t really feel that way.

“Goddammit, not again,” describes my experience best.

Yesterday we had an idot on hovers fall into the pit and not die. He was the last to live, and wouldn’t self-destruct, so we all had to sit there for 4 minutes until the game ended.


I think I was in that game, if not it was exactly the same scenario. Reported the guy and then left, not worth the 15 crackers to sit around and wait.

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