The morta

i find this weapon to be interesting. but i found something interesting…
when you fire it from a distance it just flies through parts, but if you fire it at a close distance it has an effect on weapons and legs apparently. it says it has no side effects but when you fire it up close theres electricity and electrical pulses around the weapons and movement parts that were hit. give it a try. if theres anything else i notice ill post it here to.

Hey. Yeee I noticed it. what does it o ?

I saw that, looks like orange lightning around the affected parts. I’m not sure why though.

I love my Morta, but I use it mainly in bedlam since I have found it hard to use effectively in missions except at near point-blank ranges. :expressionless:


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im assuming from what i saw that in development it had a secondary ability that effected parts that it came into contact with from a certain distance but they decided to scrap the idea. thats my guess anyways.

im thinking it couldve been a few possibilities.
1: upon damaging weapons / parts it takes a portion of that damage and heals the morta.
2: the affected parts it hits do less damage/turn slower/reload slower.
3: upon hitting legs/movement parts it slows them down.

there could be more possibilities but it seems the first option was the most likely. im assuming they got rid of it because that would make the morta very overpowered. thats just my assumptions on it anyways.

i think the issue is the size of the projectile, it seems a bit small to me but it can absorb damage.

Not so much the size, but it flies very slowly and is easy enough to dodge. A sitting target at any range is no problem, but anyone moving beyond short range can avoid it.