First of all, where can i check the new chart of faction’s parts resistance to type of damage?
When the new BP went live i saw it in my garage, but now i can’t find it.
Now, what brought me here.
the new mechanics…well… they are new. But my first impressions.
They “sold” the new mechanics as a way to nerf who ever used flimsy screens as armour to protect them against the bad big cannon shells.
I never used that BS on my builds, my builds have sturdy, thick slabs of armour as protection, in a layered fashion always when possible.
But since they changed the interaction between armour vs weapons, the practicality tells me that all type of armour are in the same boat now.
I’m noticing a difference. Are my builds good against cannons? Yes. But not as good as before.
I prefer things as they were before. I don’t mind spaced armour or even flimsy screens as long my armour belt type of armour remains intact
Other thing that’s makes no sense.
Plows are plows no matter which faction they belong to, that sort of parts ( not only plows ) should have the same traits, against, at least, cannon shells, they are heavy AF but they are designed to do heavy “lifting”
Giving those parts different behavers to different type of damage is doubling the trade off we chose to make, in the first place, thus doubling the nerf.
If they want to maintain this model, they should at least, reducing the mass of these kind of parts while maintaining the resistance.
By how much?
I don’t know
How about the same percentage they lost against cannons.
If a plow, or a terribull bar, container door or something in these lines are not level 15 against cannons, then their weight should be reduced by 5%, 10% or even 15%.
A small plow has what now? level 10? If so then this particular part should have a 5% mass reduction while maintaining the current durability points.
What do you think?