Don’t get me wrong, i’m all about buffing drones, and this changes will add a bit to something missing for a long time , who plays drones understand, they are, as a all, extremely weak, a chord can supress an entire payload.
But this is being on for so long, that i adapted to their weakness, investing in the build itself , essentially i play my drones like i use to play my shotgun builds, using the build for ramming, pin down other builds and so on.
This changes will be a comfort upgrade, but will i take advantage of that?
I don’t really now, my build is for close range combat, basically it’s a target that i offer to the other guy, to entertain him while my drones are doing all the work ( that has a lot to go wrong but that’s ok, i have a build that can retreat and regroup and come back again for some of those situations).
All bets are off when facing experienced players or players that don’t panic, cause as long they shoot the build and not the drones all it’s fine, work as intended, the problems come when they ignore me and focus on the drones.
Waiting behind cover it’s not for me …let’s see how it goes.
the worse it can happens is this change makes my build pointless, right?
( a build that took me years to refine)
And in order to keep the perk flowing i have to be near my drones ( 35 meters) so…
I don’t really know.
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I tried the Sidekicks on the test server and it was awful, IMO, but my play-style with drones is a lot like yours, and not sneak around and hide, poop and scoot, cloak, etc. I play them the way the Call was designed to support; you essentially run blocker for your drones and sponge a lot of damage harassing the enemy with passive melee…is that fair to say we have a similar style there? Sounds like it to me.
For me the problem with Sidekicks is that any time I change direction, give the keyboard any input, they tend to want to disengage from the enemy and follow me, and they get under my gddmn wheels. That did not change at all, and it’s really the only change I’d like to see.
I was not at all impressed.
yes, we may have very similar game style.
and yes, devs could make an invisible wall for the drones around the build who launches them , they could home for that instead of the build…
( Meanwhile my sydekick turns to the others.
- he said what? i run under big momma’s? Big momma run into me! not the other way around!
But with time i come to deal with that issue, although i think that a drone build with regular wheels can coupe a lot better with that.
Hawks trump all the other type of drones perhaps with the exception of the legendary.
But i prefer they would stay close to me i’m not so sure if i want them to wonder off that much and leaving me out to dry because they picked another target other the one i’m facing or want to face.
At the same time i saw so many complains about grenadiers and owls, who Hawks are sidekicks are perfect capable to fight against.
I’d like them to just stop following me around at all. They need to engage the enemy, but they don’t. So while I’m wrestling with an enemy, those little bastards are only concerned with which way I just turned, and get us both killed by ramming themselves into my car, lodging themselves under my wheels, and essentially serving me up to the enemy right in front of them that they are completely ignoring.
It wasn’t always this stupid. They need to keep their eye on the ball, and ya, stay at least 5 meters the hell away from my wheels.
But, the established logic says get a cloaking device and hide behind a wall off in the distance, and send them on little missions alone, and this update just builds on that.
JB about typhoon “why also not on cabins or other modules”
i never heard him being that dumb so far.
6% of cabin hp. 7000 hp, want typhoon do additional 400 damage to cabin along with average additional 300-1000 damage to weapons/modules/movement-parts
so he want basically typhoon do 700 + 400 + 300-1000 damage per HIT
he bascially want typhoon do 1400-2100 damage per HIT!
counting explosions doing more he want typhoon do 2000-2600 damage per HIT!
counting 2-3x shot into ball he basically want typhoon do 6000-7800 damage in 10 sec!
so he basically want typhoon do ranged damage equal to Firebug/Jormungandr damage
Listen to JB and game will go into total dead ruin typhoon festa
In that i disagree
Hawks are the shit ( for me )
They are almost perfect, they are always with me and so on.
The major downside of sidekicks for me.
They can’t keep with me as hawks do…but they have more survivability than hawks not being directly in front of the crosshairs.
I don’t want them to engage whatever, i want them to engage my target.
As is there’s times where i mess up ( releasing the drones and pursuing a build ) or simply they decide to engage…i don’t know what…even if i ram the other guy and then i release the drones, but sometimes i have the guy pinned down or i’m taking unnecessary damage waiting for them and they are engaging someone else.
I wish that they were always with the build like hawks do.
Wondering off can be an advantage but so many times they leave out to dry…and then cut my escape going under my build leave me with no direction.
I hope not, if will be like that i can always ditch the radar, that would cut their range in half, perhaps those 72% more range will be the same as it is now
There are times where i send the drones to pick up a target of opportunity, in this cases i end up trying to keep up with them to keep the perk active
Ya, so do I, and that’s the point I’m trying to make; they don’t. They engage me, get in my way, and ignore the enemy while I am engaging the enemy unarmed. It gets me killed. A lot. I want them to pay attention to the ball. Not me.
I certainly don’t suggest the hovering drones wander about or change their behavior in any way. I don’t. I don’t even use those, at least not very often or seriously, or so I can’t really comment on those…but these sidekicks need to give me a lot more personal space.
It’s not like I am dropping them off and leaving. I’m harassing the enemy with passive melee, and those little bastards are getting in my way, while completely ignoring the bad-guy who is demolishing me, all because I made a left turn or something and they think, OMG he’s leaving us, and they run right up my kilt, high center me, ruin my mojo, and serve me up to the red team.
You just have to be close to them when you release them, if you get away they will follow you ( that sometimes happen to me too if i make a turn too wide or if i take to long to make that turn.)
But if you stay close ( i’m not saying 35 meters ) yo can be further away than that, they will fight and not get in your way.
I don’t know about you, but i’m always moving ( to charge the perk ) and sometimes i catch one of my drones.
But let me test other drones to see if they fair better than what i have.
Do not use R2D2, no perk from flying crones. Use Phobos, perk near enemy, bonus to speed.
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Im only here for the Omni/Atom buff.
Cant wait! Just hope they fix their slope deceleration like they’re doing with legs.
im glad to see sidekicks getting a little bit of a buff to their range. still doesnt fix the Frankenstein steering they have though. they apparently love wedging people.
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Not just people, their operators in particular. They don’t understand personal space.
It’s a nuance I struggle with. I’m trying to co-exist.