The new weapons

so i was experimenting around with them from the exhibition and my thoughts on them are…

commit: this thing is insanely powerful. 800+ cabin damage and this thing can cripple one of my builds in one hit depending on the spot it hits it at. if your build is light then itll have quite a bit of impulse, if your buld is big then it wont impact it to much. i like this crossbow though and i like its reload animation.

Compiler: this thing is a mid to close range cannon, there is no way in hell your going to land all 3 of these shots from a distance. the fact is this thing has an insane amount of spread for what it is. its a cool cannon dont get me wrong, but this cannon makes itself out to be a mid to close range weapon with an aspect of range in it with the mortar. the mortar cannon is insanely strong if you can land a direct hit on someone. is it stronger then a dual mandrake? id say no not even close, but it can do a large amount of damage. i havent tested how big the radius of the explosion is though so maybe someone can tell me.
the largest hit i got was around 3100 damage from it while the mandrake easily got 4000+ and one shotted my build. this thing didnt even come close, it shot off alot of my armor but my build was still mobile, having all its wheels, modules, weapons, etc.
its good dont get me wrong though. ill be getting two of these just to have them though.

split: its… alright i guess. i dont really like shotguns all that much apart from the fafnir and nidhogg but this one… meh it doesnt really do it for me. i like the look of it but i feel it shouldve been a different weapon cause i dont imagine the founders using a shotgun as a weapon.

the wheels: im throwing this in here as a bonus… i dont like them… it could be the build im using from the exhibition but these things just suck. the low wheel mode is great, the extended mode is absolutely terrible. the way it moves is really awkward and if you jump off a ledge and hit the ground its like you hit a spring board from the sonic the hedgehog universe. it just springs you back up. also idk about you all but i tried going up a ramp to jump off to see how it would handle it and when i go onto the ramp it just springboards me into the air… when i right myself from being flipped as soon as it touches the ground it jumps back up like a spring… who the hell green lit these things?

let me know what you all think.

Wheels are a novelty and probably good for mandrakes or the new cannon to put some rake on for close range firing and that’s it, I wouldn’t use them for anything else… when on the extended mode they are literally useless as wheels and don’t actually raise you up enough to peak over things.

Split - Another legendary shotgun to add to the pile that nobody uses anymore
Commit - Legendary spike which is only a fun novelty for smashing light builds around the place… At this PS I can imagine the avalanche or dual tsunami probably a lot more effective. The bolt sticking out of the ground if you miss is a novelty and in reality does nothing.

Compiler - I like a cannon but meh, Agree hitting with all 3 shots is novel so the secondary fire mode will almost never be used. They should just make the secondary fire a thing you can do and tone it down a bit

Cabin is interesting but I don’t like perks that rely on getting hit, I spend most of the match trying for the opposite of that, even in big heavy builds that can take a pounding I’m normally trying to stay in some sort of cover!

The harmonizer which you didn’t mention is the only real game changer here… 1 energy to decrease spread by 10 - 15% and a projectile increase when moving at 50kph+…

All in all this is a bit meh IMO. They would’ve done a better job just fixing and balancing few things than waste time on this.

Also did you notice they changed the top bar? They’ve removed game centre and put the battle pass shortcut up there, money grubbing nonces!

the sad thing is the artillary is completely dependant on the perk hitting. missing one shot depletes a charge and hitting all 3 from a long distance is a pipe dream. if it kept the charge even with a miss i think it would be more usable. the spread on that cannon makes me want to puke…

i WISH i had a gif of someone throwing it into a pile of shotguns lol.

wanna know the kicker? you can have TWO of these on your car.
increases projectile speed by 20% and 34% decreased minimum spread with the fused perk being the same for both… yeah this is just stupid. limit it to ONE per car, not two!

i actually did notice that and i was really confused at first cause i was trying to find out what they did with the game centre… i did find it but i dont understand why they replaced that tab…

Hence secondary fire almost never being used

And heres me just bought another reaper… hmm, jackie and 2 of these… Theyve actually made them very easily craftable as well.


One thing I do hope is that they add the new BP’s to the founders faction BP’s and don’t just vanish them after the event.

Whoa, I’m glad you noticed that!
I’m definitely going to get a second one.

Although I fear that they may decide to limit us to one, in which case a second fused one will be useless. I’ll probably just craft a normal one for my second, so that I can sell it if they change the limit.

Compiler totally obsoletes Mandrake. They are both burst damage weapons and the Mandrake takes a couple seconds to dump its damage. The compiler does it all in an instant which makes it far harder to avoid and it does not telegraph its attacks with a stream of shells and rolling thunder of a muzzle report. Unlike the Heather its usable at close range and its single shell is still less telegraphed than rockets.
Mandrake should become a relic with a direct burst fire mode. Its such an advanced and out of rarity weapon by its looks alone, it does not belong as a legendary.

I think the mandrake is still better than this as proper artillery and serves a better purpose.
Doesn’t need a perk to activate so can take advantage at the beginning of matches and spam the battlefield. Tbh though unless you have a team that knows what it’s doing or a couple of total noobs that rushes in vrs 8 to draw them in a cluster it’s usually pretty useless between after the first 30s and the last few crippled enemies being left. That’s were the compiler is better but as a half way weapon I reckon it should do less damage than tsunami or mammoth in cannon and less than mandrake in artillery mode.

They should definitely allow the mandrake to fire vertically though, close range it’s totally helpless.

there are tricks you can do to aim closer to yourself but its here and there when it comes to that. its a bit dangerous to cause you can also seppuku yourself.
also i dont want to be that guy but can you imagine what people would do if mandrakes could be mounted on helis with a full barrage sideways? if they did sideways mandrakes on wheels and legs imagine what they could do on a heli… ugh… >_>

not exactly. the compiler relies on the cannon mode hitting to charge the perk, if you whiff one of those shots then your waiting for the reload and hoping to god you dont miss the next few shots. yes it can do alot of damage but i did a direct hit on my car and it didnt even phase it. the most it did was knock off most of its armor while the mandrake completely obliterated it. sure the mandrake takes longer to hit but its still damage and has a very wide hit radius.

i always felt it WAS a relic but maybe they have plans for a relic mandrake in the future?

I have not really been able to test them out much, because the game performs so bad now after the update, and out of not really being that interesting in testing them all out or getting the pass but I do have some opinions on them

Commit: Awesome, I sank all my saved up coins to get one because it is the only weapon out of this bunch I care about. To me it’s a more successful Thyrsus, where I like that gun (Thyrsus) but the fact that you have to spam shots with a fast reload constantly gets tiring and it’s got this specific perk and alternate shooting modes and pretty much just works as a facehugging ram spamfire gun. With Commit, you shoot less frequent, but do bigger damage per shot, and I like that. The perk is ok enough as well, projectiles sticking to the ground is nothing to take note of, but most importantly the gun it’s easy and simple to use no extra shenanigans like on the thyrsus different shot modes and corpse ammo. I also like how flat it is. I am a big fan of Morta only out of all the big energy weapons, and I can see myself liking this gun as much as the Morta.

Compiler: It’s a very neat gun, and a combination of a cannon and a mandrake. But at the same time, that too kinda feels like it’s downside, like for a very optimized build you need to be able to be a normal build when cannon firing, but then have the option to tilt yourself when in mandrake mode to aim better to deal with “stock” drake aiming if there is no terrain to help you out. It’s not bad by any means and quite versatile, but at the same time most builds or guns that are very versatile end up not being that great in my experience, you are always fighting close range enemies and unable to make use of the long range option, or the reason it has a long range option means the normal firing is not that great at ranges, especially when you need it to be (the three shots can be pretty inaccurate and I already get frustrated with the fat man from time to time). The drake shot is pretty good and accurate, no random shells dropping and it might have had something about the damage being stable and not decreasing further you move away from the center of explosion

Split: It’s not a bad shotgun, and the bullet speed seems a bit more tuned (at least on the fused version) to after-hitscan changes, but at the same time it’s just another legendary shotgun. Damage, while good, does not wow in any way in either mode and you’re gonna need 3-4 of these on a build to really do much anything and then you’re in ps ranges for 3-4 legendary guns on a build. If you have only 2, you could just use any two shotguns like parser hammerfall etc. All shotguns are very mediocre right now for the most part, at last they seem to take way more skill to do good than before, but I’d still say that in the current state of things, this might be the best legendary shotgun option. It just lacks any blows your mind wow-factor. Looks cool has nice mechanics but in-game use is just meh. But if they buff it, it can quickly become the only viable shotgun ever in current day. Meh as far as weapons go, pretty good as far as shotguns go

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