The new wheels / weapon

3 hits and all the weapons on my levi were sparking… :face_with_peeking_eye:

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lol, little hypocrisy xd

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For the time being I’ll just use atoms on novelty builds. They’re very fragile…just run them into a standing-still plow, and they break. :confused:

i dont play clan wars though :smirk:

i also want to add here that the weapon Acari IS effected by weapon damage boosts.

normal without boosts damage on my levi: 3145
with the howl cabin at max perk (20% extra damage) same spot hit: 3714

the damage seems to fluctuate to for some reason. it kept hitting highs and lows of 3132 and 3243 in those areas. but it does get boosted from perks as well.

The problem is Acari has such a long charge time that it takes forever to reload and you can get a lot of damage in with other weapons in the same time frame. For example, when I laid into my Levi with my Helicons, I can blow the whole build up in 24 -30 seconds as well. I’m sure its the same with Cyclones and Stillwinds.

What I like about Acari is that for four energy, you can seriously soften up a levi’s frames and guns for your team mates. I have a Spark, Flash Skinner Cohort brick that I play, and it would be pretty good with an Acari, it could be Flash, Acari, Skinner.

That would make all the difference in a levi fight. The reality is that every levi will carry one Acari so that if it does well, it will be mandatory levi wars gear and it won’t be seen anywhere else.

its not just that, the ammo to. 7 ammo is painfully low. i dont play levi wars so idk what it would do in it. but if you really think about it getting hit by 1 would really hurt. it damages everything on your levi / vehicle except your cabin. that extra damage in combination with other weapons would really hurt.
it might be good in levi wars but personally i think it would be good in raids. but 7 energy… ehhhh…

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The acari is a pretty pointless weapon, you can only use one of them at a time and the damage it does is depending on how much durability said part has, so if it only has 10 durability and you hit that it does 7.5 damage, it doesn’t damage the cabin which is another downside… for me the biggest downside is that you can only use 1 weapon on 1 enemy… this gun is worthless if you don’t fight big durability builds or leviathans, against those it’s amaing doing easy 4-5k dmg in a few seconds.

overall yeah, but it does damage UNTIL it gets to 25% of the durability of the parts, then it doesnt do anymore minus the 40 points of explosion damage. its not a bad weapon if your using it in raids. itll get you an assist and help your team mates kill an enemy faster. while its not the best weapon out there it has its uses… somewhat.
im going to try it in a raid sometime to see how it stands out. i bet it would be helpful in hard raids due to the enemies increased defenses and the bosses overall increased health pool.

and let me get back on that leviathan theory i had… it does do damage… sometimes, i shot a leviathan 9 times and 4 out of those 9 times it did damage other then that it just buzzed. EVEN WHEN I HIT THE CABIN.

in raids you’re better off with the spark or flash if you want to be support, hell even an incenerator is better then the acari at the moment. the effects of the weapon just isn’t good enough to make it an effective weapon.

well kind of, but what i mean is if you dont have any other weapon or want to use something to try it then why not? doesnt hurt to try it lol. yeah there can be better alternatives but its still a decent support weapon. especially if your a beginner or someone who doesnt have legendaries and want to also try supporting.

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I could see Acari being awesome against Invasion Leviathans. Here’s the build: Hadron, Incinerator, Acari King Flywheel. Your going to be the Invasions MVP. Some of those Invasions rigs have 20 Goliath tracks.

Has anyone tried out the Acari with the Photon/claw wheels and some trombones?

What weapon, regardless of energy, does 25% damage to a build?

When you consider it does 25% per shot for a 4 energy weapon, it is incredible. You guys really arent grasping its effectiveness as an add on. It needs a strong nerf.

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I agree Clay. Half these people are dumb af (my words, not your obviously) and have no clue what this thing can actually do. It will be a mandatory CW weapon in short order, both in levis and in normal CWs.

I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when reading a lot of this mssg board


it does 0.6% damage per second to all parts minus the cab. iirc it sticks for 4 seconds. 4 x 0.6 = 2.4% followed by the initial 40 damage explosion. but i dont know if this number is accurate. it stops doing damage when the parts are at 25% of their max durability. now idk how accurate this is, but i know that parts on a leviathan can add up with weapons to. but to have the weapons sparking on the 4th hit… and these arent small time weapons either, im taking weapons like the mastodon. a MASTODON sparking after the third hit. somethings wrong there.

Its not .6 percent damage per second. Its periodically 6 percent damage. The perk doesn’t tell you what the total damage of the life sucking bolt is. I think it is .6 percent damage per 10th of a second, and it explodes after about 3 seconds or 18 percent of your build’s total health.

the projectile attaches to an armoured vehicle and periodically deals 0.6% energy damage to all parts, except the cabin from the remaining durability of the parts and explodes after a short interval. Damage will be inflicted until the parts have 25% of their maximum durability left. Enemies can shoot off the projectile. Only one projectile can affect one enemy at a time.

My thing is that the weapon doesn’t take a good shot to achieve good results. Someone said it earlier, but any old trash shot is a direct hit that is maxing out damage. That’s pretty good for four energy.

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4 energy? its 7 energy lol

huh? im a bit confused… can you explain? cause im unsure of the math on that. periodic damage… whats that mean in crossout terms?