The Ripper

Ghost cab, 3 imps, 1 jorg, phobos codriver, 1 fused radiator, chameleon for ghost perk,1 fused cheetah for a 99 kph max speed and I got 7800 damage with just 1 radiator not even a flywheel equipped. Setup kills pretty quick

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That is beastly!

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I tried to warn you :slight_smile:

It can be played well, but in this rock paper scissor game we play it does not do as well as other relics.

It is the hovers is why it is hard to do good with it. They gets away too quick. It is a good stand alone relic which could be paired with a lot of lesser weapons but rippers you need at least 2 to do anything and same with most other relics. The Imp jormungandr combo is working pretty well tho so no need for me to buy nidhoggs.


Here’s how you can deal with hovers: Kami cab, Colossus, Phobos, Hermits. They will not get away so quickly.

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I am using 2 hermit steering, 2 hermit non steering, 2 cambers st, and cheetah with a top speed fusion. I got kami cab as well but I can’t armor up the imps properly. My ghost setup got a top speed of 99kph so it is the fastest I am going to get it. The blue hovers I mainly got problems with cause if I slows down just for a second, bangs into something or they dekes me I am almost guarantee done for.

It is those new arbiter icarus vii meta builds is what is getting on my nerves, you sees at least 4 or 5 of them every match.

Truth. Agreed. 100. I have Jorgs and Breakers. You gotta be right next to people with Jorgs and they get shot off in .2 seconds if a MG even sneezes in your direction. They also do trash damage anytime you run into spaced armor or get .1 meter too far away. Which is nearly always.

I think I did better with Nidhogs, you can at least armor them some without having to shoot up.

It is extremely satisfying when you have a great game with Jorgs though.

Truth. Agreed. 100. I have Jorgs and Breakers. You gotta be right next to people with Jorgs and they get shot off in .2 seconds if a MG even sneezes in your direction. They also do trash damage anytime you run into spaced armor or get .1 meter too far away. Which is nearly always.

I think I did better with Nidhogs, you can at least armor them some without having to shoot up.

It is extremely satisfying when you have a great game with Jorgs though.
Edit:Also, best cabin is Echo imo. with Nidhoggs also.

Agreed. I tried Flash 2 Harvester, and triple Nidhoggs recently and couldn’t kill hovers consistently. Both Harvesters and Nidhoggs were shot off too easily.

After the most recent patch, I sold all my legendary items and a Porc to buy a pair of Firebugs for cheap. With Flash and the right Blight build they do the trick. I am consistently catching and burning Icarus VII builds. Bugs do more damage than any other gun and can be aimed in any direction for degunning. The Flash slows down hovers enough to catch them and carry them away.

i honestly like the ripper gun and the design of it. the concept of the gun is quite interesting to. shoot 3 discs that you can use for offensive purposes or defensive purposes by laying a trap on the ground, anyone running over them will get damaged quite a bit. honestly i love that concept for a weapon, offensive purposes that you can launch from a distance with spread but still being able to hit hard into your enemies guns or whatever else it hits, or lay a trap on the ground to stall the enemy, gain some distance and cripple them or deal alot of damage.

now the gun itself i havent bought one yet and might be my next relic to grab. i really like the idea of these and i can find some fun ways to use them either in raids, or if i ever join a clan again, pvp / clan wars.

anyone got any videos of rippers being used well? i seen the top one and id really like to see more :smiley:

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PVP can be done without joining a clan. If you get bugged to join clans, just make your own. I did when I got tired of CW’s.

I just build what I feel like playing that day. If its relics, great, if not great. Mostly I’ve been working on the unlocks.

Whos go by the ripper cause im JackDa Rippa number 6th runescape hiscore rank on rune hiscores and im a serial killer lol.


I just played the player who I sold it too, he kicked my butt lol but he’s in a top clan and well over 4.0 kd so i guess in the hands of the right player they can be potent but medicore players like me not so much.

Well, Ripper needs more changes im sure about it. I know its really hard to balance all weapons of the game, more when this weapons have diferent mechanics, but its clear that ripper is the worst relic weapon right now. If you hit direct to cabin with falcon perk you can reach 1050 hp on yellow number, but to be honest most of times you hit an enemy feels like 0 impact, furthermore they are so big, heavy and easy to strip, 0 chance vs metabuilds (punishers most of them).

I think that they should add constant damage after you hit, like disk still rotating after get stuck on a build and even penetrating litle layers to help get easyer explosive pieces.

They’re better than they was before the update, but being converted to melee damage is a major double edged sword and their perk is still useless. (except against levis)

They do deal more damage against frames and damage passthrough parts now (things like elbows, gunmounts, etc receives full damage from them as they don’t work against melee) , but they now get hard countered by any passive melee part just as conventional melee weapons do. With as prevalent as screeners, bumpers, etc is as weapon armor in high PS, this basically means Rippers can no longer effectively aim for weapons anymore limiting them to trying to go for low hits or structure damage instead. They basically have to be used as flanking weapons now, as bumper armor is too common on the front of builds, especially on hovers.

Their perk is also still comically bad against anything that’s not a levi (or otherwise long build). How many more times are they going to increase its damage by 2.5x before realizing “Hey…maybe the perk itself is the issue” ? Even with good placement, against the majority of builds, the perk does roughly half of the damage a direct hit would’ve done. Other times they do no damage at all, which seems to happen if wheels hit the blades. Seems like a bug to me, or perhaps it’s just that damn unreliable. The only use I get out of their perk 90% of the time is trolling Vulture or Fuze builds as the drones will target the blades instead of me or allies.

Considering their size and limited range, they should be rebalanced into brawling weapons, ideally around 12e by either reducing them to 4 energy or increasing them to 6 energy and increasing all stats accordingly. 4 energy would be by far the easiest approach and wouldn’t have the issue of every Ripper build having to be rebuilt. It’s clear that the devs intends for people to use 3 of them, but 15e in relics is extremely impractical.

I would say that their damage rate is fine now after the recent reload buff if you can avoid hitting melee resistant parts. But they still need more durability for their size (I’ve found that Omamori or Averter is necessary for them or at least I’ve been doing much better with them since I added a omamori) and their perk needs a complete rework. Increasing its damage by 2.5x isn’t going to work. They’ve tried that twice now.

If they don’t want them to be brawling weapons, then alternatively reduce the distance the blades fan out so they’ll be more effective at longer ranges.

I could only afford 1 so that is part of the reason I did bad with them. I bought vultures yesterday for dirt cheap and getting better results than with the ripper. That melee damage is useless, too many parts in the game with damage resistance and with the amount of hovers in the game the slow projectile speed makes them frustrating to get a real good hit and even when you do hit them it is probably gonna be single digit damage cause you hit something with damage resistance. Glad I went with the jorg after it is a much better stand alone relic.

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I just build what I feel like playing that day. If its relics, great, if not great. Mostly I’ve been working on the unlocks.
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