The way to save the game

You mean every match at every PS will be filled with potentially horribly in-experienced new players that have no idea what teams are.

No thanks.

I hear ya. You like playing with bots more than humans. Got great news for ya: Patrol is your free wet dream!

The game is free. To survive, they must monetize somehow. I offer up a way that doesnt hurt you and provides a way to add new players. You argue against the good, because it is possible that bad could eventually come later. Meanwhile, you dont even play competitively, so if someone did end up with an advantage through the use of cash, it doesnt even matter. PS keeps your playing field level.

I get the gripes against dirty play by companies. There is legit reason to complain against recipes that include non craftable items. To complain a company trying to survive through means that doesnt hurt existing players is just cutting of your own nose, to spite your face.

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There are a lot of unexploited aspects to this game that could be developed to make for a much more interesting experience that would be more entertaining for a wider audience, resulting in more paying customers, but they never ever go there.

I don’t think they need a better monetization scheme than the Battle Passes. I think that’s a fine model. What they need is a more entertaining game that doesn’t pull the rug out from under their patrons every few months.

I also think it’s probably too late to salvage the disaster they have created with the sprawling game architecture they have cultivated, and paving over it is their only avenue for future progress, unless they change their shotgun scatter trajectory. They won’t. Any progress they do make, they will just abandon later to add some new thing they will quickly abandon.

I think they’ve made F2P too attractive for this game by repeatedly and continually devastating P2P inventories. IMO, it’s way better to F2P than waste your money on their products, as they have an awfully short shelf life, not to mention the game environment is static and stale AF. The Gerridae that were so wonderful just a short while ago are already sour, for example. I think there are lots of examples of this.

That is the heart of their monetization issues, IMO; A lot of their BS simply isn’t entertaining or fun. I don’t think it’s mysterious as to why they don’t have a more marketable product that appeals to a wider audience. They do this to themselves.

It is possible that either Gaijin or Targem are deliberately trying to make existing powerful weapons weak to force people to buy new powerful weapons.
But is it not also possible that they are just constantly adjusting things trying to keep the game diverse and as balanced as possible? If they keep adding new things, they’re always going to have to rebalance. And if they continue giving players so much flexibility in how we build, we are going to keep coming up with unanticipated powerful combinations of items that will need to be nerfed.

I guess what I’m saying is that even in the best of circumstances, any overtly powerful build you come up with will eventually get nerfed, and that is necessary to keep the game fun and diverse.

For instance, I’ve had gravastars for a long time, and while they’ve always been decent, they never felt OP until I tried a 9kPS dual gun build with an omamori and a finwhale. I’m going to have some fun with that build for a while, but I am not going to be upset when it gets nerfed, because it deserves to be.

IDK…for example…

I think it was easy to predict this would upset the game balance and in the manner it does, as more than a couple common gamers pointed this out on reddit before it was even made available. They don’t have to do things like that.

Somebody mentioned how crappy it would be for them to sell premium ammo (which is a common gamer warning. I think everybody agrees that it’s a crummy practice), but if they are selling premium weaponry with an expiration date, isn’t that essentially the same thing?

IDK if it’s intentional or not, but I’ve bought plenty of their stuff only to find that later it is no longer viable to use. I buy new stuff and the process repeats with each battle pass, or update. Most of this game’s inventory is very uncompetitive, because it is continually being replaced by the latest thing.

The end result is a lot like buying premium ammo…or being required to put fresh quarters in the slot for each session, like back in the old days.

Because this game does have at it’s core a good, if perhaps humble, F2P model, I don’t think a creative person needs to chase all that, unless they want to (but why?). But, if you want to play to win Clan Wars or top-end PVP, there is a lot of this P2W-temporarily, seasonal META stuff to navigate.

I think it’s unnecessary, but not many share that opinion and most are quite determined to play on Mount Olympus, where premium hardware that hasn’t past its expiration date is required, and all the associated travails in (un)fairness exist.

Most of this marketing game, if that’s what it is, understandably targets wallet warriors (whales?), or mainly effects cash purchases. Nobody has to be that guy, and we are not required to spend money to play that game either. This is why I say the F2P model is currently better than their P2P model. It doesn’t really pay to pay. In fact, it’s a bit frustrating if you do.

The module and engine you mentioned are top shelf items with high power-scores and high market values, and it seems that typically this is where all the tumult is. Sledgehammers, for example, haven’t deprecated at all over the years, and if it weren’t for the current broken melee META, not much would have changed in this game at the low end ever. All the real chaos is always up top.

It’s a premium subscription to frustration to spend your money here. That’s what you get for your dollar, with this game, too often; frustration. Buyer beware.

I spend all my money on bling. They can’t nerf that schit.

Some people here had some good predictions on how Finwhale might impact the meta too, but I guess I see it as an item that needed to be added to make wheels more viable in higher PS.
From that standpoint, adding Finwhale was a way to make the game more balanced, and to allow for heavy cabins to be at less of a mobility disadvantage.

So yes, it upset the existing state of the game, but it’s not like things were perfectly balanced before either.

As far as the rest of what you’re saying, so much of that depends completely on player mindset.
If you are the kind of player who is determined to make the most out of every imbalance in the game, and who wants to play the most powerful build of the moment, you have to be prepared for the reality that no one wants any one build to remain the most powerful build forever. No matter what is strongest now, it won’t be in a few months.

So yes, if you chase exploits, you will always be chasing, and will always be frustrated.

But for the rest of us, it doesn’t mean that the recently nerfed item is now useless. In most cases, it’s just something going from OP to unremarkable.
I rarely sell anything anymore, so I have a good selection of items that were once meta, and have since been nerfed into supposed irrelevance. In most cases though, if I pull out that old item and try it again, it performs like any other “average” item. Some are still quite strong, just not as ridiculous as they once were.
Parsers would be a good example. Too strong on release, and everyone was playing them because the BP made them plentiful. Then they got nerfed and almost no one uses them. But every time I give them another try, I’m racking up the MVPs.
The hypothetical person who spent real world money to fuse a full set of Parsers is probably mad that their guns aren’t top of the heap anymore, but their guns are still good.

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Parsers are a good example, and that’s a pretty fair breakdown, I reckon.

I think where we agree is that it’s the price you’re going to pay for chasing Rainbows. Nobody has to do that, and it’s what causes the most disappointment with this game. I suggest they don’t, but if they do, then…they’ve been warned.

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My opinion is the Fin has lead to a current imbalance in build types because it combines speed AND gun durability. If it were just one or the other, it would be much less impactful. I dont think either would be a problem if matched up with other combos but that particular combo allows heavy SG builds to be really strong and versatile.

A nerf or rework may be needed at some point but I dont think it should occur until after we see what this new pass will hold. If the reload mod is strong enough, that alone could balance it back out.

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From my experimentation, it doesn’t seem like Finwhale alone boosts gun durability to an unfair degree, even when using buggy wheels. It’s really the combination of omamori and Finwhale that is fueling the new heavy shotgun meta.
I would prefer if that was addressed with the energy system rework. If the 5 energy shotguns cost the equivalent of 5.5 energy (or 11 under the new system), it would make those specific builds have to compromise. I think they’re already talking about omamori costing more under the new system, and I assume Yeti will too.
I think that could tame those builds without having to nerf Finwhale (other than making it cost more energy too).

I’m also hopeful that the new reloader will shake things up enough that we don’t even need to worry about shotgun bricks. Doesn’t look like the new rad will be great for shotguns, so we should also expect a return of the minigun DPS meta.

I disagree poony, i think the radiator will be great for shotguns. You maximize the perk by firing full auto and get rewarded with a cooling buff. So shotguns just hold the trigger and should get better results. Maybe especially the gravastars by nature of their perk.

The biggest tool they have to balance things without beating part’s stat values up is the energy rework. These shotguns builds were mostly possible before, but the finwhale has bought them enough time to win with straight gap closing and shotgun spamming. Take out an energy by bumping OP shotguns up a half point could potentially get them back in line, still good, but less OP mindless Ws as it is now. If the legendary modules cost another half point, thatd nerf them too (amongst everything else as well of course)

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But the cooldown perk is dependent on how long you shoot before overheating, and none of the shotguns can shoot nearly as long as any of the miniguns. And while they don’t say it, I am going to assume they will probably not provide as much overheat prevention on shotguns as other weapons (like they did to Seals).
I’m not saying shotgun players won’t usr it, but I don’t think it will be as powerful for them as it could potentially be for other weapons.