They can kick you out of bedlam battles evidently

I was in a battle in bedlam, and got this:


It only had 3 people for like 10 min, but I had no idea it could do that. It let me rejoin a different bedlam a right after, so idk what its issue was :sob:

This gave me a new question: how long can you stay in an old bedlam server after the map changes before it kicks you out? :open_mouth:

I’ve gotten those messages too, sometimes while in a mission or raid. Probably maintenance related.

As far as staying in a bedlam map after a new one kicked in, the longest I hung around was about 20-25 minutes, chatting with another player. You could probably stay indefinately as long as you pay attention to the inactivity timeout warnings.

BTW, it’s incorrect to say you’re in a “bedlam server”; a server is a piece of hardware running multiple game sessions. We often have 2 or more bedlam sessions running simultaneously; one fills up, and a second is started. On the same server, other active missions/raids/brawls etc. are also running. That’s why high-end servers are critical for intensive gaming applications when you have a large player base.