this is kind of rare that this happens but i got put into an already going match where all the enemies but 3 were dead. my team was over at their spawn killing them and i literally just spawned in, i tried to get over there to score some points but nope. people in the way blocking my shots, blocking the enemies, the usual. only got 20 points and no rewards. why the fuck is this still going on? is this some kind of sick joke from the devs?
That happens alot in raids for some reason. Most times, it occurs if the raid starts with only 2 people; then, maybe 15-30 seconds, later a third person spawns in. At least in raids the 3rd person usually doesn’t miss out on too much.
It happen a couple of times in PVP , i spawn and i’m already under fire with no team mates around ( fortress map ) e.g.
speaking of that… something similar happened to me years ago. i was loading into a game and i was spawned in mid match, well when i got in some bot was shooting at me and as soon as i got control of my car i died. literally as soon as i spawned in i died from a bot hard focused on me doing enough damage to me that it killed me before i got to do literally anything. man i was so pissed.
that happens to me but the issue here is that if you get spawned in (at least in my experience) within the first wave of enemies, your score is significantly lower then everyone elses at the end of the raid. what i mean is if they are 1 team mate short and they go ahead and kill the first wave of enemies as you spawn in (like in perimeter breach in the cargo boxes are … i forget what its called…) and then you spawn in to catch up with them, after the raid ends your score is significantly lower then everyone elses. i even did some tests on it myself and it shows the scores are alot lower. heck sometimes its 300 or so points lower. dunno why that is really.