*this game needs..a relic mode onlyšŸ˜‰

Iā€™ve heard people talking about how the top clans, letā€™s say the top 5 of each server compete in an elimination-type tournament and the last 3 clans get unique awards, maybe that could be an endgame. Iā€™ve not played CW in years so not sure if that be an good ideal, just throwing it out what I heard discussed by others

I like the idea in theory, but it would be the same few clans getting it over and over.

I donā€™t like that.

I would rather see some PvE Raids like in MMORPGs where it takes planning, skill and hard work to complete. Then even then everyone should not be guaranteed to get the part the want every time.

In many MMORPG I have played it might take hours to complete a raid, then at the end their might be a random item drop that one person gets. Normally they will have a vote at the end like a ā€œneedā€ or ā€œgreedā€ roll to see who gets it.

So you might do a raid 20 times and never get the item you want. But the chance of finally getting it keeps you doing it.

Hello guys how are you
Stay on topic please, thanks

And my personal opinion on the subject, a relic only mode seems a bit boring, since weā€™ll meet the same 5-7 weapons all the time
Not to mention that not everybody have relics so queuing time will be in average quite longer, or games with more bots

Could be fun for a while though :slight_smile:


In this game, people who have invested heavily in it have great advantages. It would require a significant rebalancing. In this state, itā€™s a frustrating game without an iota of fun and destroys the desire to continue playing.

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Weapons of the athena type etc. destroy the balance on ps 6000-9000. Above 10 000 ps relics I understand for cw

Iā€™d be willing to bet thereā€™d be like 3 weapons. :rofl:

clan war raids. where takes several clans working together to complete a raid that canā€™t be completed IF they try to solo the raid with their own group.

Have multiple ideas in my head of how it would work. where there are steps each clan group as to do in conjunction of other clan where they start in their own areas and at end of raid they meet up and have to work together to take down a NEW class of uber levi example that torrent mission in awakening where you have to destroy incoming bots with torrent. where one clan lobs a bomb near or on levi and the other clan has to shoot the bomb within a short window if they fail the bomb falls off. the levi. and while member of clans doing that the other members are trying to keep bots away from turrent to keep them from destroying or going kamikaze on the turrent. .

And the uber levi is spawning the bots depending on which part of the levi is destroyed will decide which type of bot stops spawning or worse it merges with another one creating a tougher bot based on combination of the one destroyed vs ones left. This way it gets harder as the raid progresses towards completion.