This is bonkers

How long has this game been around again?? This guys has been gone for over 20,000 days:


I was looking for people that have been gone a while but dang…

Also: according to Google’s calculator, that’s over 54 years ago…

Maybe this is why the XO servers seem like they are powered by my brethren… :sob:

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I found another one, same exact number of days too…


And this one too??!!!




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maybe time travel exists and they went back to 1970 to create their accounts? :stuck_out_tongue:

Historically, on January 1, 1970, in the country of Bulgaria, nothing important happened. Nothing happened the next day either, for that matter. :thinking:

some developer was playing around and made their last seen date 0

…not even the C64 was made… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: