To my Friends and Supporters

I’m doing my best not to get long winded here. This is basically to answer the one question I keep getting.

In short, I won’t be making Crossout content anymore. Video’s or short stories. I’m not quitting Crossout, I love this game very much, but I won’t be playing it daily anymore. I took a break from it (among many other things) and I did some soul searching. I figured that I played daily mainly because I was chasing that content and, in doing so, I was burning myself out on many fronts, not just on Crossout. I want to continue loving this game, so, I’m just gonna dip my toes in it here and there.

Thank you guys and gals for the support you showed with my youtube efforts. This isn’t a goodbye by any stretch. Just answering the question. No more content. See you in the wasteland!


Wishing you the best Brother! I too am tired of chasing after the golden ring . Between that and the decline in the forum moderation. I believe its time for bigger and better things! See you in the wastelands as well keep in touch :wink: “Don’t sweat the small stuff”


I’m burned out too, if your not enjoying it than don’t play it plain and simple. Play the game when you want’s to play it, i already got nearly 8000 hours in the game that I will never get back.

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The content creator gig can be a grind, and I don’t recommend it anyone, unless they are making a lot of money from their content.
Turn yourself into a product, and you start feeling like one.

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