Toss a coin to your heavy

When the battle starts

Graced along a tank

Along came this song

When the fighting starts

A sneaky cloaked devil

His minions behind him

At his kills they shouted Great

They came after him

With masterful deceit

Broke down his weapons

And kicked him in the teeth

While the battle raged

They minced our tender meat

And so cried the heavy

“I cant be beat”

Toss a coin to your Heavy

O Valley of Teammates

O Valley of Teammates

Toss a coin to your Heavy

O Valley of Teammates

At the end of the match

He fought the mighty horde

That bashes and breaks you

And brings you to mourn

He thrust every car

Far back from the game

High upon their greed

From whence they came

He wiped out the pests

Got kicked in his chest

He’s a friend of the team

So give him the respect

That’s the epic tale

The Heavy did prevail

Defeated the enemy team

Now pour him some ale

Toss a coin to your Heavy

O Valley of Teammates

O Valley of Teammates

Toss a coin to your Heavy

A friend of humanity

Toss a coin to your Heavy

O Valley of Teammates

O Valley of Teammates

Toss a coin to your Heavy

A friend of humanity

Toss a coin to your Heavy

O Valley of Teammates

O Valley of Teammates

Toss a coin to your Heavy

A friend of humanity

Well you know you drank to much, when you log in the next day and find out youve been singing on the forums :rofl:

But seriously, toss a coin to your heavy.
He has to face multiple anal probers from behind every match, unable to catch up to the team.