Trashy server lag

This is the 4th night in a row my server connections are pure trash. During the day its fine nights after 6pm CDT This is getting damned old . And to add insult to injury I got kicked off of the game for suspicious activity from the wonderful Easy Anti cheat system for suspicious activity. 100% BS

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At least it’s letting you log in. I’m sitting at the title screen watching the crossout dial spin as it tries to connect.

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Maybe I should take that back every match since it let me on has now let me in way late into the match.

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I am experiencing that as well. Then follows with the roller coaster ping.
I had this issue a while back It when Rise of the machines began and quit. When the event ended it mysteriously disappeared. Now the same undesirable “ping party” has returned. And it just so happens Northern justice had began at the same very time. :thinking: Coincidence ? My question are NA servers being used for these styles of events ? Causing issues as if a bad day of high ping on the EU servers? I am really getting tired of dealing with this as it takes the enjoyment out of simply logging on. I am not sure why but somethings fishy about the issues appearing at the same time of the brawl events. Day time hours, My game loads fine very little if no issues at all. But wait until when the dailies drop that evening. The gremlins rage havoc on the servers.

The lag got better as the night went on but for a while it was like whoa, what’s going on here… I don’t restrict myself to the NA servers either and out of peak times

I would think the country servers would be exact duplicates of each other.

asking gaijin to pay for servers is too much. get in line and behave like the obedient npc you should be.

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