Im making this post to guide people on how exactly raids work, the strategys i use and the information i know about it, if you have any suggestions or want to correct me on something, feel free to coment as what i will describe may not be 100% true, after all its based on my own experience.
I will be making separate posts about specific topics as shoving all in one would make it way too long.
Details, strategy and curiosities
Steppenwolfs’ are generally an easy faction, their bots contain lots of explosives (which include: generators, explosive engines, ammo crates and fuel barrels), they are very slow, large and contain mostly cannons, making them an easy target for explosive damage weapons, and since most of them use reload weapons they have low DPS and you give you time to get behind cover and avoid some damage. Most of them get instantly killed when you destroy their explosives, so you should prioritize shooting at them. Due to their high health DPS weapons such as machineguns and shotguns may struggle against them.
You may also notice that their explosives are painted in red (“Tornado” paint), making it easier to spot.
Curious facts
Two specific medium raid bots contain a permanently 50% heated hot red which explodes, but does not take higher damage
Some bots contain a QR code sticker, which is unobtainable and leads to a text saying “Steppen Wolf Unit”.
Dawn’s Children
Dawn’s children are considered by many the hardest faction, as their bots are agile, contain high damage weapons, and many use spark, which will significantly slow you down if many are targeting you, some contain explosives (such as: genesis, explosive power units, explosive radiators, explosive engines, generators and ammo crates), but they usually dont deal that much damage to the bots (with a few exceptions which contain the apollo on a critical spot), degunning them is usually the best strategy as their weapons are large and exposed, you may also prioritize the spark bots as they will be slowing you down.
Just like Steppenwolfs, they also contain their explosives painted red.
Curious Facts
The AI for bots containing Aurora will sometimes shoot completely off their target and remain doing it till the weapon overheats, the reason for this behaviour is unknown.
Firestarters are also a quite easy faction, most of their bots are fast and agile, but contain a lot of explosives (such as: gasgens, lots of gasgens, explosive boosters, ammo crates and fuel barrels) and most of their weapons are short/mid range, their explosives are also very exposed making them an easy target for high DPS and explosive weapons, due to their low number of movement parts and short range weapons it is easy to disable them before they can do any significant damage to you.
Like the previous 2, Firestarters also have their explosives painted red.
Most of their bots contain a gasgen, usually hidden right below their vehicles or hidden behind the cabin, destroying it will result in a instant kill.
Curious Facts
Some bots contain an early version of ZS-52 Mastodon which has no projectile trail (may be patched in the future), contains a different smoke effect, can shoot its second bullet at any time without consuming extra ammo and its perk is simply leaving fire puddles on hit. This version of Mastodon was present on these bots before it was introduced to players, it had ZS-46 Mammoth’s firing sounds as a placeholder.
Scavengers share many traits with Steppenwolfs, however their bots are faster and smaller making them just a little harder, they do have a couple of explosives (such as: ammo crates, fuel barrels, generators and explosive decorations) but not as many as Steppenwolfs, which makes it so most bots are not instantly killed if they get their explosives destroyed. Since they also contain lower health, it makes them an easier target for high DPS weapons compared to Steppenwolfs, so the best strategy against them would be targetting their cabin and explosives. Its also worth noting that due to their weaker AI, they will likely miss a lot with cannons.
They also have their explosives highlighted in red, and yes, this fuel tank decor is explosive.
Trailers are a special category of bots exclusively found in Scavenger raids, they are usually very large and contain a lot of explosives inside them, however they award very few points. Unable to move on their own, these trailers are carried by other bots using a special version of Contact 2M which is able to turn, once these bots start to attack they release the trailer and leave them behind, the trailers themselves are not a big of a threat, however they are capable of dropping a special kind of drone that will not attack players and contains no guns, but instead, will chase after a damaged bot and heal it, while also providing a few seconds of invincibility.
This is how the drone looks like, it contains an Expanded Ammo Pack and a Big G, it will stand still util a bot is damaged, which it will follow and heal on touch, making the drone vanish. It does not award any points for being destroyed. Despite it not attacking players, its worth noting that ramming this drone and destroying it will cause huge damage, way more than a regular fuze would.
The drone takes a few seconds to vanish and heal the bot, however it will only restore health, parts remain destroyed. The invincibility frames last for about 1 second and the healing happens after that invincibility is over.
(quality is awful because forums only accept 4mb gifs)
The repair drone can also heal bosses, which restores a significant amount.
Curious Facts
There’s one Scavenger bot that contains a special version of the scope TS-1 Horizon which is exclusive to the chinese version of crossout, however it only works as a normal scope, in the version we play, this scope has no animations. Recently its visuals have been updated to have a glow.
Also seen as one of the harder factions, the Nomads are fast, agile and equipped with multiple machineguns and autocannons, making them deal a lot of damage to players and making them harder to avoid. All of their modules and drone deployers are explosive with the only exception being flying drone deployers, however unlike Scavengers, they will get instantly killed if their explosives are destroyed. Their bots are mostly small, have low hp and have very exposed weapons, which makes them weak against high DPS weapons.
Unlike the previous factions, Nomads contain some explosives that are not painted red, like the Cheetah engine on the image above.
One Unique trait about Nomads is that they are capable of shooting while cloaked. However unlike their previous versions, they do not have instant reload chameleons anymore.
Curious Facts
I did not find anything special with Nomads, besides what i mentioned above of course, feel free to share if you find anything, i will make sure to add it here.
And finally, Lunatics, seen by many as the easiest faction they are fast, but have mostly short range weapons and very low health, compared to other factions they contain the least amount of explosives on their vehicles, with only a few bots containing some (such as: generators, fuel barrels and explosive boosters). Due to their low health, they are weak against pretty much any weapon, however, their bosses have by far the highest damage out of all factions, with the double firebug boss being able to deal over 5k damage in mere seconds, way higher than a double firebug paired with blight would, but because of their short range, you likely wont have to worry about them.
There is one melee bot that will activate self destruction when it gets near a player, you should avoid it as it has some explosives and a drastically increased self destruct damage.
Like Nomads, Lunatics do not have all of their explosives painted in red.
Curious Facts
like with Nomads, i don’t know anything special about Lunatics, feel free to share if you find anything.
All Factions in general
I will give more details about gear and strategys for each specific raid on another post, but in general, my advice for you to use in all factions is to just avoid chasing the bots and staying near your team, as this will reduce the number of bots shooting at you. Make sure you also bring weapons with a good DPS, as weapons that deals low damage, or deals high damage but have a slow reload/charge speed will make you struggle against the bots, and also reduce your overall score.
Despite them giving you a single point, you may also pay attention to these turrets, as they will deal massive damage to you (and also leave a fire puddle if you are playing a Firestarter, Dawn’s Children or Steppenwolf raid), specially the phoenix one, as it sometimes shoots an instantly exploding bolt that has a huge area of explosion and deals tons of damage.
Point Rewards & Bot Classes
Each bot class will give a certain amount of points when destroyed, i will explain how these exactly points are shared between each player on another post, but here are the values given.
Note¹: Some of the names i have given are not the official name of these bot classes, they are just nicknames i have given to them.
Note²: “Advanced Factions” refers to Steppenwolfs, Firestarters and Dawn’s Children.
Note³: certain classes have bots that award a different number of points, each value they can give is separated by a /.
Note4: Any bot that is not included here will not award you any points.
+8/9/10 Points (+12 for Advanced Factions(AF))
+20/22 Points (+20/25 AF)
+13/14/15 Points (+20/25 AF)
+15/20 Points (+20/25 AF)
+16/20 Points (+20/25 AF)
+5 Points (Scavengers exclusive)
+2 Points (same for AF)
Pumpjacks (Weaponized)
+5 Points (same for AF)
Turrets (Frontier Defence)
+5 Points (same for AF)
Turrets (Map)
+1 Point (same for AF)
Turrets 2.0
+1 Point (same for AF)
Caucasus Turrets
+2 Points (same for AF)
Turrets (Objective)
+10 Points (same for AF)
Turrets (Pumpjack)
+2 Points (same for AF)
+65 Points (same for AF)
Turrets, Wheeled Drones and Flying Drones
+1 Point (same for AF)
Mines, Kapkans and Porcupine barrels
+1 Point (same for AF)
And that’s all for this part, if this post doesn’t have what you were looking for don’t worry because i will be making more talking about other topics, the next one being what gear to use.