Unlock armored aircraft to raid and awakening

It’s about time for Gaijin to release this content. Limiting aircraft players to only PvP is a complete joke.

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they said before they were working on making aircraft related raids, be patient.
if you made aircraft available to the raids we have now it would be absolute hell. i do not want some asshat rushing all the way to the crate in perimeter breach then all the way to the boss while leaving all his team mates behind.
in frontier defense this could also be an issue because enemies target air based vehicles before anything. i imagine someone on the other side of the map luring the enemies away to steal kills and points or just to drag out the match.

in awakening i agree that aircraft should be available here. but they even said that they had no plans to develop that mode further. i wish they did though and brought back the weekly challenge for that mode specifically. its just a shame they abandoned it like that.


Sadly enough, This is already happening with the new mech legs that fly in raids.

It is far beyond time for an update to the Awakening /Adventure map story line.


i actually dont come across this to often. i DO occasionally come across this but usually the team sticks together. however as of late ive seen many more team mates rushing the boss and i dont know why theres a massive surge in people rushing the boss and just giving the middle finger to everyone else. funnily enough its not people on legs but people on wheels, omnis are more likely to do this and i dont know why.

agreed. they need to add the weeklies back to adventure mode to. its so dumb that they took the missions out. let us earn badges in that mode!

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Zarrurer :100: :100:

a man in a suit and tie is clapping his hands in a room .

i did try…


Mar 13

here’s another one…

i heard some ppl in the gen chat talking about Engraved Shell Casings and other such stuff so it got me thinking…
How About linking collections of those things to Adventure Mode? not saying “make it grindable there”, that’s not what i mean…what i mean is use adventure mode similarly to the “replay memory” thingy.
for example:
there’s a gate at the northern part of the map that is just “a part of the art”, so it could be used as an entry point to Northern Justice or some such thing. you would have to que up as a team (no rando crap) and be able to replay it (northern lights).
similar to that, other game modes or team plays could be introduced for the aforementioned casings and/or lighters, or simply any such specific materials…again, not asking for a way to “grind those like mad”, just as some extra stuff that can be done from adventure mode, or maybe add some more situational encounters like the “guard/destroy truck” (the green ones) that people could do for those materials…seems a waste of nice potential for adv mode to be kinda empty.
sometimes i just go to adv mode to drive around since it a nice wide open space that’s perfect for a drive around plus it’s also a decent and safe way to farm xp scrap and copper…if you’re tired of sealclubing…hahaha

toss yer 2cent about it, will ya…?

…and other stuff on my thread…so far…

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Engraved casings CAME from the adventure mode. The [insert nono word(s) here] devs removed them from awakening, so now they are unobtainable while still being used in crafting for piercers, steel mohawks (I think), etc. How do we craft them if we can’t obtain the resources anymore? :unamused:

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lighters arent in the game through this mode, they are battlepass only items.

im still wondering what they are going to do with casings and coupons because they havent said anything about these. they still have them in the game but they cant be gained anymore from adventure and raids. they havent said anything more about them since they were removed from those modes. im still questioning what they are going to do with them.

Don’t let helis in existing raids and invasion. No go.
There is no heli player only. It’s a unique movement part. Let them play eachother if they want. I play with all kind of movement parts. Mec legs in raids and invasion with ground vehicles is BS as well.
Maybe a separate raid for them. That’s it.

mentioned some heli raids and stuff as well in the aforementioned thread of mine…maybe in a few thousand years targem notices…
:grin: :laughing: :rofl:

Definitely need to boot the clans to a clan/group que, yes , definitely need changes to awakening and allow all vehicle types possible in all game modes… Otherwise the clanners are going to kill all game modes, the constantly nerf and buff mentallity is catering to elite idiots, only a handful of decent weapons all relics mainly, sad state of the games due to clanners, whales and seal clubbers

New legs and rotors should not exist in this game at all. Being too OP they deserve to be separated. Players who grinded months and years for a viable setup, their builds are useless against the new movement parts, bought in a pack or battlepass. Wtf?

If it doesn’t make them $$$ they won’t add or subtract a thing.
Sad but true.
selling out season 4 GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants