Unplayable, server problems?

Temporary issues with the game’s servers


At the moment, you may experience issues with connection to the game servers, going into battle and other aspects. We are aware of the situation and are working on fixing it.


Guess all that ignoring the problem finally caught up to them and now they have to fix it instead of saying it’s not on our end, but on yours!

North American server is also unviable.

Maybe they’ll give everyone a gift to make up for this debacle, like 1,000 coins or something. Other games do…

This is crossout under the same dev team, 1000 gold coins not gonna happen, we’d be lucky to get a days worth of premium if anything as they been saying it’s on our end for months

they will just extend the Event for another week :crazy_face: :rofl:

Same problem here on Brazil, Server unstable.

2022.09.24 servers
Looks like this crash a moment ago was my fault. Sorry! :woozy_face:

eyy thats me!

looks like this is happening to wt as well, if enlisted runs on the wt servers as well then that will be taken out as well.
hopefully it does get resolved soon

Not possible to login in to game

Its a little bit better, but still crap. Disco’s galore :frowning:
Time to move on I guess.

Error 6


It figures. Today is when I wrap up my badges. I just need 2 more Electronic raids for my 450 badges. Looks like I’m not going to get them. A day of premium isn’t going to pay me back that and the 500 scrap I would have received from doing my daily challenges.

hello from Belgium the problem of more Friday evening
almost impossible to play time i want to play

Sunday morning, still disconnection problems.

Sunday OK me there nothing more sniff

Still having issues in the uk as of Sunday afternoon won’t even let me log in :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I have gotten the game this weekend, had issues the whole day yesterday (Germany, GMT+2). However it was completly fine durring the night times, 1am - 7am, so I assume it is a perfomance topic.

Also I got the game due to a content creator publishing a video on friday and making promo. Dunno though why Gaijin pays for marketing when game is basically dead and hosted on Warthunder servers (as I heard) with having secondary prio. Than shit goes down for the whole weekend when Devs are, lets be honest, just not in the office working on it. Questionable business practice.

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Spot on​:clap::clap::clap:

Crossout is nowhere near popular enough for a player influx to cause this kind of massive server instability, besides if you are even kind of familiar with how servers for commercial games work - expanding capacity due to player influx is usually one of the easiest things to handle for the server providers that these big games use.

“Content Creators” aka streamers and people who make videos on youtube WISH they had this kind of power that you presume they have…