Update broken :/

I am usually okay with most of the stuff here, I have learned to deal with the issues the game has, and eventually accept most of them. This new “Update” might be an exception. They broke literally everything. I was in bedlam (for some reason), and the every single build was broken in some way. It started small, like my holograms didn’t turn off when they were supposed to, and the flares went on forever too. Then it got slightly worse: a bullet or rocket or something glitched out in midair, and was INSANELY loud in my headphones (like a jet engine), while simultaneously being 100% still and not moving at all. Then, this happened:

My build was not animated, none of the wheels/harpoons were working, and the horn was broken, and also the holograms/flares went on forever like they did earlier. Even the werewolf drone was broken. As I was mid-sentence in the chat, my game crashed, which is why the video ended so suddenly.

And it wasn’t just me, other people were saying they also had issues. What did the devs do?? :sob:

Unrelated note: before the werewolf drone broke, I noticed it shoots in 3s now and only has 20 ammo instead of 30, but each volley of 3 shots only uses 1 ammo. I think this is a buff. :smiley:

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That’s some heavy wonk, man.

This update is garbage.

I was in bedlam, and folks were complaining about stickers not showing, rotors not turning, and something about “three balls of yellow light”. The thing is, I noticed no problems…everything seemed ok to me. Will pay more attention tomorrow.

Somehow they implemented the changes to Omni and Atom completely backwards. Both will now infinitely over-correct and spin your car around in place with no further input by you after the initial turn in place.

also the bullets become invisible before crash in raids, happen o few times after the update

Disabled all effects but crushing… Reinstalled… GPU DDU and reinstalled… Game crushing again and again

What GPU do you have?

I’d prefer if they delayed a Battlepass release to actually fix the game. The bugs have been stacking up, and I don’t think the servers like this many different parts to keep track of.

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what ?? do you realise that delaying our battle pass will cost our investors at last 70 dollars in revenue ?? are you trying to insinuate that our so-called players are not braindead piggy banks? outrageous and unheard of in our glorious industry. immediately roll out 4 more separate paid battle passes. and add two new premium currencies so that the piggy banks are entertained enough to buy the battle passes.

I haven’t noticed any problems on PS4, maybe these are PC glitchs?
Anyone having issues on console?

I still had no issues in raids, pve missions, events, or adventure mode (pc). So far so good.

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I’m on PC. I’ve had no graphical difficulties…but the matchmaker acts over-stressed from the abysmal player population, and since the update has become even more radical.

If you’re playing at 9K or higher, this is probably not a relevant or even noticeable issue, and because that is where the majority of the population seems to be, maybe it isn’t as prone to be problematic at all.

It sure sucks where I am playing though (6-7K). It’s noticeably different (worse) now, than before the update too. I was getting long queues before, but now the PS scores on matches have a much wider allowable spread (5K vs 8K) and it also occasionally presents anomalies, and overtly perverse logic when assembling matches (PVP). It wasn’t so much like that before.

I’ve pretty much have had no issues that I would say is bugged out. However bugs sometimes depend on specific part combos and or game functions so it’s hard to check everything.

Does it seem like the overall team PS is still relatively equal? Like if you add up all the players, do both teams have a similar total?

It always seemed like it tried to do that, so I’m thinking they are just allowing it to combine a wider spread of individual PS in ranges where there aren’t many players.

I’m of the opinion that short queues are more important right now than precise matchmaking, as long as neither team has a big overall PS advantage.

No. That’s just it. It doesn’t always. Not anymore. Plus there have been other “glitches.”

I posted this elsewhere, but I don’t think people understood what I was trying to demonstrate.
The total power-scores of each team are not at all equivalent. Each player’s direct opposite manifests almost a 15% disparity (more or less) in power-score all the way down the line.

This anomaly is different from anything I’ve seen before, and is why I used it as evidence that something did change in regards to the matchmaker with this update.

It never was, that’s how they enforced the 50/50 matchmaking.

How much did they actually implement?

Influenced is probably more accurate than “enforced,” and I think in the beginning the matchmaker could be more easily described that simply, but like the rest of this game it too gets regular updates, and I think it is more nuanced these days than say the old “bracket” system. It takes more into account than just your success rates and power-scores these days in creating matches, I think…but the hell if I really want to get into that.

Posting this here as well, as it seems to be our “Games broken” gripe thread.

Just had a Winter Hunt match where the balloons despawned. Just, poof, no more balloons. All we could do was mess around for six minutes or leave early and get dinged for “Unsportsmanship”.

2 or maybe even 3 of your teammates were in a group. The game is dead so i can only imagine how long you queue in groups, especially groups of 3. The 2 5700 ps ones and maybe the 5400 one were grouped.

Not enough close matches for that and so they were put against the 2 6200 ps. Reasonably close tbh. Maybe they were in a group with the 7100 ps. People sometimes do that.

Guessing the matchmaker is selecting bots according to their teams groups ps, not to balance the ps across the teams.


Definitely had to do with low player numbers though. Even years ago in late night sessions ive seen vastly different powerscores when playing in groups.

The matchmaker isnt rigged or bugged or anything, it just unreasonably favours short queue times. Ive seen very ps mismatched people (way too high) get in games because they were queuing for a long time, e.g. from australia, finally getting a game in europe with like 5k ps above the team.

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