Update broken :/

It never was, that’s how they enforced the 50/50 matchmaking.

How much did they actually implement?

Influenced is probably more accurate than “enforced,” and I think in the beginning the matchmaker could be more easily described that simply, but like the rest of this game it too gets regular updates, and I think it is more nuanced these days than say the old “bracket” system. It takes more into account than just your success rates and power-scores these days in creating matches, I think…but the hell if I really want to get into that.

Posting this here as well, as it seems to be our “Games broken” gripe thread.

Just had a Winter Hunt match where the balloons despawned. Just, poof, no more balloons. All we could do was mess around for six minutes or leave early and get dinged for “Unsportsmanship”.

2 or maybe even 3 of your teammates were in a group. The game is dead so i can only imagine how long you queue in groups, especially groups of 3. The 2 5700 ps ones and maybe the 5400 one were grouped.

Not enough close matches for that and so they were put against the 2 6200 ps. Reasonably close tbh. Maybe they were in a group with the 7100 ps. People sometimes do that.

Guessing the matchmaker is selecting bots according to their teams groups ps, not to balance the ps across the teams.


Definitely had to do with low player numbers though. Even years ago in late night sessions ive seen vastly different powerscores when playing in groups.

The matchmaker isnt rigged or bugged or anything, it just unreasonably favours short queue times. Ive seen very ps mismatched people (way too high) get in games because they were queuing for a long time, e.g. from australia, finally getting a game in europe with like 5k ps above the team.

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Yes, regardless of how the matchmaker works, it works better when there are sufficient populations for it to sort, and there aren’t.

MG´s turn out to be weaker then on the testserver , you need a shitton more ammo for the same result

pvp servers got a lot of hickups , your burst cut off at 15% of the cycle but rounds counter still goes down

there seem to be RNG based friendly fire when hit by team´s cannons shit ripping parts off.

I thought I saw something like that too. Then I thought, nah, that’s not possible, is it? Did I just blast my mate’s fender off?

IDK. More than a couple people are reporting pretty unusual wonk with various features. It’s probably not unusual for wonk to not be a universal experience. We aren’t all using the same equipment, especially on PC.

I wouldn’t be surprised if consoles had fewer issues or at least different ones. I’m still not completely clear as to who is on console and who is on PC all of the time when they complain about their particular problems.

Console players outnumber PC users by a lot, don’t they?

From what I recall, PC players are more than XBOX or PS4 on their own, but similar numbers when both consoles are combined into one category.

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i lost my guns countless times by now because this brainless NPC´s in my team hit me instead of the other party.

last battle i lost my top right mg after two cryo hits form our own guys while bing boxed in between a wall and the corps of the honk who held me there

also my own missfire caused some parts to fall off form our guys


D:< Sad day when baloons dont well baloon and wiggle :cry:

I am experiencing several glitches with raids, and i made this post about it. It began with this new Grand Prix update:

Getting a lot of similar glitches. Projectiles are vanishing or not appearing, no damage appears on screen but the points counter goes up, sometimes projectile simply doesn’t fire at all (point blank shot and obvious hit does nothing). This is particularly a problem with Quasars and Crossbows. Weirdly Yongwang has been fine and behaves perfectly.
Sound gets screwed up sometimes like its underwater. Helicopter randomly tips over or jinks sideways for no reason when taking off… None of this seems to be network related, ping ect for me is always spot on.

It’s mostly ok on raids now, haven’t been kicked from any.

Still, this update has come with a lot of random bugs. It’s exhausting playing through them sometimes.

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Did they buff hovers?

I didn’t see anything mentioned but much like the Omni/Atom fix, which has made a ton of difference btw, hovers seem to behave a lot better now too.

servers are absolute fucked , wheels get stuck , your round tracer go Matrix style , sound cut off , and turrets get locked in place

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People said that kind of thing would be likely if they removed hit-scan and made the game start counting bullets on everything (that’s a lot of bullets). The developers said things were being “optimized” and didn’t elaborate on what that meant, but I presume it was for the added weight this bullet update would bring to the game to process.

IMO, these last two updates were at best unnecessary, and I don’t understand why they would choose to address hit-scan weapons they thought were over performing in this way, rather than simply reducing their damage output.

Prior to these two updates, I would have said the optimization on this game was outstanding for an online game. I hope they can manage this new system, but I can’t imagine how it wouldn’t result in a less responsive online interface.

I’m interested in seeing if the situation is remedied (if it is) without an announced update or patch, because I’d like to know if they can sneak those kinds of things into the game unannounced.

the chords are definitly way weaker as they had been before the update

they didnt add more damage they lowerd the damage.

the output of 4x chords was already very mediocre before but now its a pain in the ass.

now you need two full cycles more for the same amount of damage

Honestly? Probably intentional to encourage people to tier up. They give away Vectors like candy at least.

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I’m feeling the pressure to do the same myself, like if I don’t move into the 9K bracket the game is just going to take a dump on me.

did some math on the update …

pre update the chords dealt 4 - 4,5 damage per hit , with extras kicking in (Billy , Cabin perks) is up to 8 - 8,5 per impact

now post update we are at 3!! damage per hit and 5,5 with extras per impact …

so thats a nerf not a buff as advertised