[ UPDATE ] [PC][PS][Xbox] Crossout: Steel troopers

It don’t help that the reward system for both battle for uranium and clan wars disproportionately favours just a very very small percentage. I only earned 30 uranium from the last bfu which is still chump change considering players in the top clans earn 10 times that amount if not more with way less effort. Top clans got the market controlled for relics and it will stay that way as long has the devs keeps the same insane disproportionate reward system that’s been in place in the game ever since it released. Out of all things that stayed consistent in this game that is one of them.

I think relics should be around the 15k price range which is still an insane grind but at least manageable and the only way to fix that is too stop giving top clans all the uranium.

I remember the exact moment uranium went up it and it was the relic discount event on nov 24th 2023 plus something that happened in december which could of been the time that the odin generator released which costed 200 uranium to craft like you said
Screenshot 2024-10-18 231058
Another weird thing too is the slow steady rise of prices ever since this august

try saying this on reddit and youll get downvoted into oblivion.

imo though 600 uranium to make a single relic is way to much. it would take a long time in clan wars to make one, considering most clans dont make it past bronze or… iron? i havent played clan wars in a long time so i cant remember the rankings. basically the 2 ranks that are the lowest that you can earn uranium on.

things need to change because this is just absurd…

I don’t know why i would get down voted for something that would benefit 99.5% of the crossout reddit users who are not in a top clan and if that is in fact the case will I am extra glad I don’t be there often.

you just said it right here lol.
basically the whales want whale stuff, they want money and all the profit for themselves so they can control stuff. they want the playerbase who arent as wealthy as them to suffer and make the grind unbearable for others. they dont want change in the game, they dont want new players, they want control and god forbid the devs if they take that power and control away from the crying whales who want nothing more then control over this game.

Killing bugs is pretty common rn with DRG, HD2, Starship Troopers: Extermination, etc.

Its because reddit is filled with groups on discord with sock accounts for mass downvoting/harassment. They aren’t on the forums because there is no downvote feature, there is no account anonymity with reactions so they can brute force consensus through upvotes. I didn’t screenshot the post but one of them involving Toast’s group iirc said something to me that implies they are all in a discord being a gang on reddit. It’s very easy to do this with a group.

Yeah, but termanids were referenced specifically

Toasts group is nothing individually when they are not grouped up abusing the daze module. I saved the best for last and I know this clip is not related to the thread but figured I post it anyways for your viewing pleasure as nothing is no more satisfying than seeing ol fishy getting grinded down lol

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i never facepalmed so hard lol
a flamethrower build going face first into a porc build, seriously wtf did he think would happen?
he mustve been drinking to much vodka… or maybe tequila… yeah pretty sure it was tequila if he thought that going face first into two exploding fire barrels was a good idea :rofl:

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No the firebricks/dogs normally win half the time it is actually not a bad strategy but it is more like a coinflip 50/50 scenario with one of us coming out a winner but always on deaths door there after with either him in shambles or me in shambles but only if I got the echo perk active or if hes heated up from the trombone cause I am basically doomed otherwise. I try to get around them and hit them from the sides if I can.

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That meta. ;-; Its nothing but fucking wheels now! I’ve been telling people this for a year now that epic wheels are insanely OP. People aren’t even bothering with hovers anymore. I hope targem fixes this so I can enjoy XO again.

ive tried using chain wheels for a small fast build, these wheels are so bad their not even worth using. even with 25% more traction they are still unusable. i get that those wheels arent built for grip but still they have gotten me killed far more times then anything. they are so bad.

*epic wheels. I miss things too. Its the perks, dura, and high grip. At 9k I’ve never been immobilized running 5 buggy wheels. 6 isn’t even necessary and these are the most fragile epic wheels yet I never get crippled despite having a stupid good perk and speed.

at 4k my chain wheels fall off like they are made of cardboard. seriously even the act of someone clipping me slightly is enough to knock a wheel off. they are so bad and unusable. its like they have a quarter of the hp they state they have. i dont want to use epics to not raise my ps but still its irritating that i lose my wheels so easily.

I hope the spider mode will be more exciting to play than the filler ripper brawl, that got old so fast it was ridiculous. Most boring brawl we have had in a while in bad vehicles

i literally just tried this because i wanted a flare and omg that brawl was bullcrap. you get crippled so fast its not even funny. seriously hit the front or the back of the car and boom. you can barely take any damage before your done for.
luckily i got the flare… and the rewards for doing the brawl which was unintentional but hey i got some crates i can sell for some cash… even if its not much. :woozy_face:

edit: also its a shame these items in there were tied to the brawl. once the events done we are stuck with the lame regular rewards of a few decors and stickers. not much to be gained from that.