Uranium and Clan Battles

Elitist? No.
Experienced? Yes.

Just work your way up to playing in CWs. Eventually you’ll graduate to actually competing in CWs at a lower level. Then move up the ranks from there.

The way you spun it, it came off as only elitist and whales should play CW’s

Oh the frustrations of presenting a topic…

First and foremost, you get the double facepalm and then the sigh. Then you fall into this “I’m just done with this ignorance”, as you walk away from it entirely. Tonight, I came back and read through it all again and I figured that I just couldn’t let the constructive conversations seem unheard.


Literally every single “But you should of… I can’t believe… This is a rant” can revert back to my OP and see the answer, what my response would be. It’s all there but I get it, it’s a really long post. Maybe it’s an attention span thing for some, I don’t know. I find the need to put ‘TLTR’ when the pudding is in the details, a real dumbing down of understanding. Obviously.

If you really feel that I didn’t already answer your question, ask it again and I will either apologize for missing it or I will repeat my position and point you to where I mentioned it before.

I will address one thing I did not mention, even though this wasn’t a point of the OP. There was a reasoning used here but I guess many missed it, but since you hyper focused on this… For all of the “stuff” for all of the money and time Ive spent, I still have them. I don’t always recycle my equipment for new gear. I have to build it from the bottom up each time. I run a Clan. A clan isn’t about having everyone at the same level. I have a few solid level ranges in my clan and I keep equipment for each of them to assure that I can be a decent party member when needed. Clan war is something we just embarked upon (as you can see in the OP). This was our experience.

That being said

For all of the comments that understood my position, the ‘meat’ of the topic, thank you! Thank you for actually reading and understanding the point I was trying to make under a thin blanket of needed fluff!

I’ve had time to think about it since I posted and read some of your comments. Perhaps a solution would be allowing the core of the game to be less paywally.

Consider this.

The game has a core - the basics. You’re getting all of your basic components through your faction objectives. You’re getting your materials through there as well. To double those resources, you need to get a pa$$. I feel like resources should naturally be double what they are now if not more. The weapons, you still have to pay to build them. You still have to involve coins to purchase and sell.

Free players - players that come in and spend absolutely no money in game, for the majority, do not stay in game. As some of you also mentioned, the turn around is unreal and the matches are empty. I have played EU matches most often with only somewhat recently started US matches only. I can tell you that now, I see the same players night after night, each at their own time slot. There are so few that you can almost guess who’s going to be around at what time in a match. EU isn’t this bad but it’s not really that far off either, based on the matches that I had gotten into previously over the last year.

Too many players are leaving and not keeping the line full, so to speak. So you struggle to get matches at certain PSs. This is true for the Clan wars too. I assume this was the case.

I think opening up resources wouldn’t affect the $$ devs get. I think that same money would come in. My purpose for spending $$ was to get a boost in part # I could use in a build and to obtain faction parts faster. This is a closed loop within itself.

But increasing resources for the free players will keep them around because they’ll be able to build and sell resources so they can build more. You want them contributing. At very least, they’re market mules.

This will also allow the ranks to fill in so more for matches and more for lower level clan wars so people can actually participate and other clans have battle alternatives.

Right now, You have to do end game stuff before you can get end game equipment, that requires end game resources. It’s backwards. This requires $$.

If you can hash out 30K (for just one weapon) from grinding resources match after match after match, including daily and weekly events, I applaud your ability to have absolutely no life what so ever. Some would call that clinical manic depression.

I think if I asked how long that would take, the answers would be hysterical.

Why tag me with this silliness?
:clown_face: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i agree with you. the game is p2w by design. you need a decent inventory to earn uranium so that you spend moneys to get that decent inventory, or else!

grind forever, market, be a pro.

i started 2018 and by 2020 i had 3 relics and a decent cw setup. lots of grinding and then cw, with lowly builds against much better stuff.

you can slave your way to victory if youre better at actually playing the game than the sea of whales youre slaughtering. its the slave part though, you have to grind at near no life levels to make progress towards uranium.

you also cant roleplay with your own lowly clan to get there, you have to get in a clan that earns urnanium because its what you survive on as a f2p.

cant say how it is to start out now, but the battlepasses, the cw build selection and leviathan wars all made it harder for real f2p.

even as a somewhat seasoned vet at the dawn of battlepasses it was hard to keep up with new op toys on cw uranium from a then top 100 clan. most people where i played spent hundreds, thousands.

but, why are you here? why are those other people commenting here?

because youre someone who might spend 1.2k on a videogame, or 400 or because youre very casual or very tryhard.

i think few are extremely casual and few are nolifers, most are the spenders.
on the forum people dropping at least hundreds have always been the norm from personal observation.

i think thats because p2w and attracting whales is the business model.


I suspect the opposite. I’m guessing there are a bunch of people that spend ridiculous amounts on the game, and many more who just buy battlepasses. I would also bet the latter group adds up to a bigger chunk of the game revenue.

But neither of us know. I know the forum doesn’t represent the majority of the players in any way. We are a small group of weirdos, and I don’t think you can learn much about the larger player base from the forum.

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yeah sure, but even if you only buy battlepasses youve dropped more on the game than you wouldve for a triple a release in no time. most games i buy are in the 20-30 euro range, triple a is something like 60. how much is a single bp?

so yeah sure, most just buy some bps, but they still end up spending around 100 euros or quit in a matter of months. youre still an overspender imo even if youre not 1k euros deep.

when i was still playing a lot it seemed to me the forum isnt far off when it comes to representing the core of the playerbase, like people who play daily, might be in clans, spent some money.

still now, we get a good mix in the forum if you think about it. some newbs who cant min/max to save their lifes, some tryharder cw people who defend their playstiles, vets, casual and master league gamers (only dhawk ofc), people who spend and people who think its p2w, the odd adventure mode enthusiasts, the bedlamers. pretty diverse.

how do you think the majority of the players differ from forum folk then?

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The basic battlepass is pretty cheap. I’m not even sure I’ve got up to the price of a big name game yet.

Anyone remember how many BPs there have been?

As far was what the average player really is, I really don’t know. Only the devs really know.

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I did like reading most of your post, but you lost me here.

I think the “pay to win” or negative feeling toward people spending any money on this game has to do with peoples current social and economical status or their views on money in general. I always thought it was weird that full grown adults would consider a few hundred dollars a lot of money, but then again I don’t live in the same world most other full grown adults live in.

I personally think that spending $400 on a game over 6 or whatever years is a very small price. But then again I make 3 or 4 times that amount every day depending on the work flow of my business. (And we are the poor ones in comparison with the other people we work with)

So people that don’t have money will value money very differently, because they view everyone else in the same boat as them.

So above is not a “Flex” it is just reality. I drop more then $400 on a weekend, ever weekend, just for me and my wife to get out of the house and spend time together.


Aren’t you a sweet husband or you just remember the saying “A happy wife = a happy life”!


I try :slight_smile:
it took me almost 20 years to get this stuff down, lol, and I’m still learning.

But that brings up the point that “age” will also have a lot to do with how you view money and most importantly how you view the “time” you spend on things.

Time is worth more then money to me, I don’t have enough time in a day to do what I want to get done. But I do have money to pay people to do it for me.

You sound more like a busy bee and not a :hear_no_evil:

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I haven’t played CW’s since the test of leviathan CW’s.
It wasn’t levi’s that stopped me playing… I just kind of lost interest in scheduled play times with the exact same builds for hours fighting the same 2-4 teams.

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People forget relativity.
If I spent the same amount on entertainment to say, go to the movies or even stream them. That is 2 hours of entertainment for 6 bucks.
How many hours of entertainment in CrossOut does that buy?
To me, in the perspective of a wife and 4 kids that all need entertainment, (have you bought popcorn/drinks/candy for a family of 6 with 3 teenagers??), it’s MUCH cheaper for each of us to have a “free” game we buy whatever we want on. Much cheaper.


nonono, the negative feelings are towards those who spend and deny the pay2win aspects of it and, more importantly, towards this being an actual working business model to sell games.

yeah right, poor people stop spending money they dont really have on useless crap they dont need, its not happening. but yes its about views on money.

i think its lame if you can buy an ingame advantage by spending 10 bucks every few months to then be able to use op gear for a month until it gets nerfed. and this is the business model.

its lame from a gamers perspective. i didnt enjoy stomping the bobs with my fused stuff just as much as i didnt enjoy getting stomped by the same guys when i was the bob.

some might say the poor devs need to feed, but i point them towards the cost of other games which is much lower. thats why its not “worth” it to spend hundreds of bucks on this game. because it incentivizes more games to be marketed like crossout is instead of how other “early access” titles are being sold, like subnautica, hell let loose, squad, factorio, satisfactory, foxhole, the long dark, rocket league.


Its not a weapon issue, its a skill/experience/ability to analyze pvp dynamics issue.

Crossout is one of those games that you can lose to someone with grey gear while you have the best relics available.

Yes, a better player with better equipment will tear you appart but a worse player with better equipment will not.

Same goes with team.

We can give blue weapons to a diamond team and put them against full relic teams in tin and rust, i bet their winrate will be above 80%.

Clan wars is competitive, if someone wants a casual for fun experience he can play randoms and join clan wars not expecting any results…Any other way and its unfair for us who try to compete and improve our gameplay.


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We have no pay to win aspect to this game.
It is only pay to advance. F2P players can get all the same things for free if they spend the time. True pay2win games will have items that you need to win that can only be bought with real money.

But to many people focus on that “Advance” aspect instead of just enjoying the PS level they have gear to play in.

No one forces anyone to get higher gear and advance. To be honest this game is fun at any PS bracket.

So if people are having problems with BP gear, then they may not be playing at the right PS for the gear they own.

I still say $400 bucks is pocket change.

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No monkey, it isn’t pocket changes for the average person, only for the well off or monkeys who live in the money tree jungle!

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$400 is 1 weeks pay for me… :expressionless:

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