Uranium and Clan Battles

You are correct. It’s not.

But money does give an advantage at every level here and even more so when you’re looking at epics.

As it stands, it’s far cheaper to out right buy epic weapons, hands down. The gap between epics and legends is massive where all other weapons levels tend to flow into the next level price and PS wise. Epics aren’t like this.

I can take 400$ and purchase epics where that’s not something I can do so easily in game. There are tremendous amounts of obstacles in the way and in the end, you find that some of those are impossible. i.e. my OP and it’s purpose.

So now it becomes a pay to win for epics. I can’t get ore for them. At best, I would have to sell resources, equipment, all important things to keep me playing to be able to afford epics. Not just one but many to be able to be competitive.

Furthermore, at some point when you’re playing with purple and golds, you will often come up against epics that will obliterate you and your team. Just over this past weekend there was a clan that played during the daytime hours for much of the day. The only way out of losing match after match after match, open our games up to EU or drop our PS in a regular pvp match so we could actually play. In the end, we all just left and for this whole week, a lot of the guys just didn’t feel like playing.

There is something to learn from this and that’s what I’m trying to express. Money can be a point if you want it to be. I didnt want to go that route but since it’s being pressed on - here it is. 400$ can be a lot or it can be nothing. It depends on what you have and what you use it for and at what level you’re doing it. BUT again… NOT the point.

its not that black and white.

Skill makes a difference
Weapons makes a difference
Many things make a difference

We’re not trying to generalize or water down clan war but your idea:


Clan wars is competitive, if someone wants a casual for fun experience he can play randoms and join clan wars not expecting any results…Any other way and its unfair for us who try to compete and improve our gameplay.


It is NOT competitive. How can it be competitive when you’re pitching 10k PS against 13-15K PS? On what planet and in what game is this fair?

Did you read the OP?

Let’s see genius… There is that little indicator at the top of the response that let’s you go back to the original post. Or… go back to your post. Can’t be that difficult but “seems like” you damn sure make it out to be.

“as I am an author” Rambo-Thumbs Up

Thank you. This is exactly the point I was trying to make. I don’t understand all of the confusion.

You articulated this perfectly. Thank you!

Not only that but considering the entry is 6k which wouldn’t stand a chance if our 10-11k non-epic builds couldn’t stay alive for more than 1 minute.

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You’re commenting on my question like it’s a statement…that’s real genius right there.

sometimes its because people comment without any experience in the matter, but here its the heavy denial many find themselves in.


Well, its simple.

In all pvp games that have similar progression systems and clan wars modes, players want to participate with their best.
As time goes by, players at the lower levels often aquire better gear but due to skill fail to progress in rank.
This means that newer players that join trying to meet minimum requirements, often face those hardstuck teams and players.

A good example is my first clan 2 years ago, they played in low-mid tin and blamed the fact that others had relics so they won and got uranium and we had legendaries so we couldnt.
Now they have relics and play around the exact same league and ranks.

The game has a matchmaker but at this point in the game, clans and older players with gear but less skill far outnumber newbies that join with minimum requirements.

Also, the matchmaker works in favor of playing (even on bad turms) rather than waiting. Which means that if there is a clan available 100 points above you and you are already wating 3 mins, you will join a game with them instead of letting you wait another 5 to get a better match.

The time you are playing clan wars is also a factor, the sessions that are after midnight tend to gather more hardcore players and clans, guess what you will face if you are a new clan and join on those sessions.

Thats the nature of pvp games, they are (or they feel) mostly unfair.
Crossout is not the shining example of fairness, far from it, but its another pvp game and if you expect some “logical” progression as if you are raiding bots with repeat mechanincs you can learn or something, you and the op are delusional.

Clan wars fairness goes as far as trying to not join a tin team with silver, and a concious efford to keep the weapons/equipment balanced for what they are, the rest is whining.

If you are on rust and play against relics, that means 80% of the time that those guys are BAD, and getting a few counter legendary weapons on decent builds, or better teamplay should leave them wondering how they lost.

I definitely agree with part of your analysis. A few amount of relic users I see down there (these days with winter hours we play so little we’re in Rust, it’s a miracle if we get 10 matches in a week lol) are extremely bad. At this point when I see a scorp hover in rust with my Kaiju spider I’m like “it’s in the bag, boiz!”.
That’s where the relic n00btubes come into play. Skill isn’t mandatory when you play Flash, Porcs or Breakers, just a nice bonus. How many weapons, movement parts, and modules are getting absolutely hard-countered by no-hands-required Flash?
Are they beatable? Yeah, sure. Is it fun to have to put efforts to defeat players who are very obviously completely clueless about any kind of gaming notions (I’m sneaking up on hovers with a spider and no cloak, ffs), just because they virtual XO car cost them about as much as my IRL one? (^%. What happens when you face fused relic users who are still bad, but less bad? Lets say they can look at their minimap, and can hit CoM shots from more than 50 meters away with their fully fused scorp hover omamori abomination? Are they winning because they’re “less bad”, or are they getting carried by stupidly expensive gear that is probably 90% bought with real money in many cases?

How is this a competitive game? The competition is between people who have the inventory value. I’m not saying it’s impossible to get it. I’d go tryhard in some ura clan if I found it fun, but I don’t. Quake 3 was a really competitive game. You didn’t have to grind 3 years or shell out 1000 bucks to unlock the railgun. LoL is a really competitive game. I can create a new account, grind the shit out of it, and be 100% competitive in what, a month max? All I need is lvl 30, a rune page, and a champ. But XO? This game isn’t competitive at all U_U. Not one bit.

“but Targem needs to make money!” See the point about LoL. Pretty sure Riot Games is making a tiny bit more cash than Targem rn, with a game’s that’s probably older than XO.

Here is the problem with not just having 10 weapons as the Quake analogy. There are heaps of different build types in Crossout so there will be those that, like me, did the 25 raids per day to get the good gear. No, i did not need to spend 1,000’s on real money to get them like everyone always moans about.

People constantly place in this forum that players with either:
*Better inventory
*Fused parts
*Dog builds
*Hover builds
*Fire builds
*Anything they lose to…(insert random build type here.)

These are "no brain"or “no skill” builds. I have played now for nearly the duration of the game and EVERY type of build needs time and experience to become good at. Porcs seems to be one people think are brainless but you are firing a zero aim weapon, thats slow moving, effected by terrain and rolls on the ground. Not easy to hit hovers or anything fast moving.

Uranium in clan battle is so people that put in the time to learn the game mechanics, build team work and make effective builds can compete - yes - compete against like minded people.

If you dont want to compete - play PvP or PvE. Dont tryo to take away from those that like CW.

Also, i dont think scrap should be an award, but maybe scale Rust and Tin for wires and batteries for example.

Lets stop abusing or name calling people because they play a certain build type - maybe they just like that game style…who are we to say thats wrong if its in the game?

I believe that the grind is actually called…wait for it…playing the game. IF you dont like the grind, then play a FPS pay up front game like the million versions that exist. The grind also teaches you how to play the game better so it my opinion, its perfect system to teach life. WORK FOR IT!!! I know,i am olds school here.


Time is money…

Cop out - if you want to play end game, play the beginning and middle - and its called you "Free Time"for a reason.

Is always on your own currency for a reason.

My time is not free, for sure.

So you get paid to play crossout - interesting…how did you get that job?

I like playing Crossout at any PS. The more I play, the more toys I can get, which makes me enjoy Crossout more, so I play more.
Buying stuff with real money feels like I cheated myself out of playtime in a weird way.
I’ll pay for Battlepasses, mostly because I still have to grind to unlock the levels.
But I’m also a very patient person.

Probably helps that I find high PS play not as exciting as mid and low PS. It’s still fun, but feels more like a giant robot game than a car game. Sometimes I’m in the mood for giant robots, but it’s not my focus, so I’m happy with the number of legendary items I have, and I don’t feel like I need relics to keep the game interesting.