Uranium wars

I predict it is a flop this time around. They missed the boat by allowing groups to queue up together. It could have been an opportunity for non CW guys to feel like they could compete. By leaving it as group play potential, it will be a leaderboard that closely mirrors the already existing CW leaderboards. Dumb.


cw dead, cc dead, matchmaking flatout idiotic, and uranium wars following in the footsteps of cw. is there even anything to play in this game apart from dog builds

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i just do patrol vs ai and raids… but you cant even do raids much anymore because they made both copper and plastic/electronics the same damn raid. instead of giving us different options they just give us the same raids for both difficulties.
also patrol vs ai doesnt even give good rewards. you get 10 - 13 scrap (14 - 15 if your lucky) and the matches are decently fast. but even then they lowered the scrap rewards from long ago in both raids and patrol vs ai. from 400+ copper in hard raids to around 300 - 350, 18 - 20 scrap in patrol vs ai to 12 - 13 which is the most common and 14 - 15 if your lucky, 38 - 45 plastic in medium raids to 30 - 35 plastic and 20 - 30 electronics to 20 to 23.
it just aint worthwhile to play anything anymore. theres a literal cap on scrap as is, why the hell limit patrol vs ai so much? you can earn 40 - 75 scrap in pvp / cc / clan wars so why only 12 - 13 in patrol? it should be at least 30 in patrol.
the old rewards for raids need to come back to. its insulting that they lowered the rewards by so much.

I like the adjusted PS bracket.
Don’t think I’ll be earning any uranium, but I find this bracket more fun than traditional CC (or CW), so I’ll definitely be playing it again.

I play CC mostly for the rating points anyway.

Do you not think it would be more fair and enjoyable for this mode to be vs random groups? CW has groups of 4 teammates and the top clans benefit from it.

IMO, this mode should cater more to the single player. Top players can still play but they at least have tocdeal woth random teams like many/most others.

I barely cracked the top 500 last time playing both solo and grouped up using quad porcs with sweat dripping down my face, definitely not much hope for solo players trust me you don’t even wanna try.

If you wanna play solo here’s a crucial tip: bring both oculus and doppler because 80% to 90% of the time none of the randoms on your team is gonna have doppler equipped. Focus your build around those 2 modules and work your way around that and catching cloakers plus marking them on the map is crucial as well

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I’m of mixed opinions about that.

If groups weren’t allowed, I’m sure I’d be able to rank higher, but I also don’t think I’m skilled or committed enough to actually reach the Uranium level, unless I lose my job and can play the game a lot more.

I also don’t really care about ranking higher. I just want to test my skills in a more competitive mode, with PS limits instead of the anything-goes vibe of CW. CC and Uranium wars provide that for me, so I got everything I was asking for already.

The main reason I think groups are fine is that I see these modes as entry-level CW, and group team play is a big part of being competitive. I’m glad that I can still play without being in a group, but I don’t think it’s unfair that groups have a big advantage.

Eventually I will probably give CW another chance, but I want to get a lot of practice and training first with these new modes. If I were to be sheltered from groups in these modes, then I wouldn’t be getting prepared for CW as effectively.

If anything, I would be more in favour of banning groups from normal PVP, and keep them just for the competitive modes (I think groups are fine for PVE). I think groups in PVP are a major factor in discouraging new players. There is no weapon in Crossout as powerful as a well coordinated group.

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