Using Cyclones

You mean favorite cabs base hp is Less than harpys base hp? That doesn’t matter. Favorite cab can get much higher max hp. Favorite cab is also 300ps less.

Yes favorite cab is going slower than a small cab. It’s still very fast though. Cyclones are not a weapon that’s going to brawl well if all your doing is running away and using low hp light builds. Eventually that shorty will get you in range one way or another.

What I do is make sure I have a verifier and as soon as that white circle beeps towards me I full reverse away from it and I shoot the enemy as they inch closer to me. That’s the best you can really do vs shotties. Machine guns, shotties and scorps are def always an issue for cyclones. There aren’t really ways around that. And if you can outrun the the little guys then you will just have no hp and get pwned by everything else.

They do. Nova cab on hovers can block those shots with the shield and move back behind cover. You just have to have map awareness.

It takes 6 shots with double scorps to strip 3 cyclones. And with the nova shield it’s going to take a lot more then that. And they are not going to hit every time.

Scorps are definitely better, but with practice you can win your fair share of match-ups.

ive never seen anyone run cyclones on a nova cab though. you sure about that?

i just feel this cabin is so cheap tbh. unlimited shields and all you need to do is hide to recover, if someone shoots you just pop the shield and hide again till it recharges. it makes using cannons and scorpions completely useless. i know there are some ways around this but its to tedious imo.

I am not sure you can react to an incoming scorpion shot

from afar you can react in time by putting up the nova cabin shield as the scorpion telegraphs its attack very clearly as foes the typhoons and mammoth / mastodons. up close is a bit tougher but if they end up out predicting you it can be extremely tedious. … not that its any less annoying being blocked from afar constantly. the thing is cannons and scorpions have ammo, the cabins shield doesnt, so essentially they can block all your shots from afar if your not fully aimed at 1 target. this is the massive disadvantage of having both triggers on the same weapon. its why i separated my triggers cause of that cabin. they put it up and block 1 shot, wait till it wears out then hammer them with my second. though its a real pain cause they can still damage me alot within that time frame.

100% sure. I run it from top 30 to top 10 CWs.

What PS do you play? I’m talking about 16k+

I’m on vacation right now, but I will post a screenshot when I get back next week. Don’t think I have a photo on my phone.

You can catch scorp shots, I will count their reload in my head.

ah i havent done clan wars in a very long time. i havent even been in a clan for a long time either. i dont really trust clans anymore tbh. especially after what others had put me through. plus my playstyle never meshed well with others so i always got excluded.

i think the issue here is i dont do pvp anymore, when i ran pvp or clan battles people never used nova for cyclones. so i guess it changed.

also i was never in a top clan either. i have a few relics but again i guess it requires certain play styles. not to mention i refuse to sell my relics to buy different ones to “go with the meta” or just in general run no skill builds.
it would be nice to get uranium again though but… eh… cant have everything i suppose.


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… in all seriousness though pvp for me has become bland and dry and has rung the towel so dry its its producing sand. for me all i see is the same uninspired builds, people always running the meta (shotguns) and just rigged matches constantly. imo matches are rigged.
clan battles have become more of the same thing to. horrible team mates, horrible clan members, disrespectful people and all round i just havent found a team thatll fit with my playstyle. so im a solo player that only does raids and partrol vs ai.

Yeah :slight_smile:

Should lead with that one lol.

I kind of feel that. In terms of the clanwars stuff. No clan really seems to suit me. If it isn’t one thing it’s another thing. And when I find a group of level headed friendly dudes they end up eating and chewing on mic all game and I just can’t take that crap. It’s like… Impossible to find a clan with clean coms. So I just don’t play clanwars anymore. I do really miss clanwars though. Not Levies mind u.

I have played in many top 10 and top 30 clans in XO, and the best clans I have ever been in half the time your just joking around in clan wars voice chat. This game is the same thing over and over again. Tactics are super simple. Most of the time people should just know what to do.

Rule #1 - Have fun

That’s not at all what I’m talking about monkey. Shhhhhh. I don’t have a problem talking with people in coms.

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Lol :slight_smile: no worries :slight_smile:

That response makes no sense.