Waderkvarn Battle Pass Leak/Review -English

Somebody here described it as a “whale trap.” If it is, I bet they do this again. In fact, if you look closer, this main battle pass has a whaler theme. It’s certainly outwardly nautical, and I think there’s even a whale sticker.

Anyway, I think there is some logic behind the developers doing a little whaling, and it is possible they are trying to deplete inventories of old crap players have been hanging on to. Or, they might be trying to make the game interesting for that “caste.” I doubt many will be able to resist the temptation of this gun, even if it sucks, and will craft them anyway. This will remove a lot of game objects from the game, of which, IMO, there are too many.

If the gun isn’t OP and doesn’t upset the balance of the game, I have no problem with the whales enjoying the sport, if they do. I’m not envious. I don’t think anybody “needs” this gun to play or win, but it sure looks like a slippery slope if there ever was one.

Almost (probably) nobody will get this gun unless some actual cash falls into the developers pocket. Whales will already have the inventory to craft them (that’s why they look like a target), but otherwise, it’s unlikely this gun (requiring pack items) would ever make it to the market in order to be made available to incredibly masochistic free-to-players who would suffer the grind required to achieve one (just one). The price tag is sure to be astronomical.

It smells a bit like Pay to play to me. Pay to win? IDK. We’ll see (slippery slope). They do have other pay to play, exclusive features, and always have as far as I can tell, like the therms required to build the Athena.

It could be argued that the Athena is no different than the pay to play components it’s made of, and this Battle pass essentially has a VIP room, where kids are “free” to empty their wallets on the couches.

How’s that for an apology (smells fishy)?

One way to look at it this new pass system, is that it has something for everybody from the aces to the whales.

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Man, that’s really my fave stuff in the game! :rofl:

I don’t mind that they try to maximize profit, I probably would too. I more concerned with the issue of creating a caste like division between free and paying players.

Similarly a little disgruntled with the issues around restricting earning blueprints and limiting crafting with these new mini passes if you’ve earned it before they are making you earn it again. For example I should instantly have access to the Avalanche crafting from earning it previously rather than waiting till lvl 30 in this new BP.

As far as the Tier 2 pack item goes the other thing that really bothers me is that it’s a prize that is not craft-able from things available in the pass. One of the things I think that is important to think about with this is what it might do for the market value of the items used this way. Generally items in game where the items that can be crafted from have higher prices even if they aren’t good items. This is great for the original buyer when they sell an item on the market but worse for the free player. It also could increase the cost of upgrading those items as well. At any rate we should be aware of the all the accessory trade-offs involved with crafting tier-2 pack items.

I played around with it via the exhibition it’s not really op and 2 of them score out similarly to 2x millers with an aroura 2.4-2.9k dmg in 10 seconds. Fastest reload was with Hadron, King but the dmg boosts from Photon cab landed it round about the same territory. I did find it a little easier than the laser drills to use but it’s very much a practice and get good at aiming and timing type of weapon. The cost is really too high for what it does though.

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Most of the events are all about removing items, coins, resources from the game. Without this the in-game economy would be much worse then it already is.

Its like the 10% market tax, it is a needed evil.

Also, things like fused items help to permanently remove items from circulation.

Oh a side note: I would also like to introduce a new kind of whale. Let’s call it “Free Willy” :slight_smile: This is the dude that has spent years playing, works the market and played plenty of CWs. I find that here on the forums many think if someone has the coins to get something as soon as it is launched then they have to be spending money to get it. Well, that is not always true.


I guess it sucks to be the whale :laughing:

Then yes, you do need all the stuff. Although some of it you’ll probably never get, so to speak.

There’s the opposite side to this too as I mentioned boosting prices when they craft something desirable. When those items are already expensive it makes the craft-able item even harder to attain for a fair portion of the player base.

Market maintenance does have to happen though. That was one of my thoughts on why they might be attempting to do crafting from the pacts too as they started to release more packs as Light, Standard, and Deluxe. A PC whale can now pretty much purchase 6 of the same pack item. With that amount of increase they could technically hit market saturation a lot faster not that I’ve really seen it lower any of the prices for many of the pack items on PC.

It’s always going to be an issue. I think that’s one of the reasons they are so hesitant about how uranium is earned and used to create relics.

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I want the game to succeed. It’s just the methods are not only greedy and punishing… but impractical as well. This game caters to whales and punishes everyone else. I see this method as unsustainable, eventually, whales will get to the point where they stop spending money on the game. The lack of players will further discourage others from spending money on the game.

Why can’t Battlepasses be available to buy and complete at any time? The assets have already been created, why not allow more people to buy them? The decent items in them should be enough for players to become invested in the game, yet there would still be plenty of room to buy premium and other things. The more people invested are more people spending money on the game.

This is one of my biggest gripes. As you mentioned before, it creates a division between free and paying players.

It’s another predatory method they employ. It will only get worse if we don’t put our foot down.


Me too

There’s plenty of times where I’d agree and plenty that I don’t. Like I actually like that they are selling 3 variations of the same packs after raising the prices so many years. I wish they would separate the garages from the deluxe packs though. I like that they set up the shop and loaded it with BP CKs and little paint packs and stuff but a lot of that should be available to be earned in game too. Just to name a fair mix, it’s not really my intent to rain on their parade.

Offering them as a standard DLC system I think is fine too. I’ve suggested that a few times myself. I think one of the issues with doing that though is how they are set up i.e you don’t really have a choice to take part as the challengers are mostly normal game play in them and they are timed events. So it would be difficult to discern how much time a player really has left if they were to be offered up like that. Maybe it could be as simple as just marking off already received prizes, zeroing the level, and then revert the challenge timers. I think it would take some coding adjustments to make it work but nothing too insane. There’s a few I’d probably pick up if they made it available though.

I was really disappointed when they stopped adding the new items into the core game.

I really do agree, it’s a discussion worth having.


The 5 full BP’s have been worth 10 bucks overall imho.

The mini passes have not been worth 5 bucks overall, with radiance/Waderkvarn absurdly bad.

Agreed. People are used to the introduce the item OP then nerf it model. If you don’t get it right away, you miss out on the easy OPness.

Or become available for purchase 6 months after? That gives them some “uniqueness” to those participating in the first round, yet allows others to purchase if they start playing later on. Or they could even work on multiple passes (cha-ching$) at the same time.


i think this battle pass is great for new players , im stoked to have a chance to craft a cheap avalanche and get some sweet decor i missed


That’s fair. It helps out players

I don’t know much about coding and know little to nothing about game software.

Maybe have them available again after a certain amount of time?

I liked the old BP. I just wish they were more accessible to newer players.


yea , i think one of the most annoying parts is all the structure missed in the founders and syndicate seasons


Founders structure parts are my favorite. Especially Crane side Left and Crane Side Right. These pieces are both heavy armor but they are also spaced armor so they absorb a lot of cannon shots. Pay badges to get these as soon as possible. Also, all Elbow pieces and the 3 Lunatics gun mounts are must have.

Syndicate stuff is pretty good too. Especially for bulky armor to hang off the back of your vehicle.


I get so much use out of the founders and syndicate pieces.
Like you said, nice bulky pieces that work a bit like spaced armour, and you can make pretty shiny things with them.


gaijins way


Solid advice. The DC and Lunatic bumpers are pretty bonkers too. (Thumper or Puncher or something?)