Kobolds take over.
The valley has many a faction from the main ones to minor factions. EAch one has their place their style and there own brand of crazy. For a long time it was known that a wastelander known as the kobold has been building military and police geared armored vehicles but after a resent encounter with some raiders he went missing. Shortly after A new faction appeared calling themselves “KOBOLD POLICE.” No one has seen these guys in person only video files and their avatars. What is known is they are trying to bring some order to the wastes, but what order well is anyones guess. They will help anyone who asks their only request is for “cookies” which seems to be code for electronics.
Right now three builds have been tied to them.
KPD: Runner
The most common of the KPD’s build. this fast attack sprinter of a trike uses twin boosters to catch upto and tase any car that runs from them, armed with electric mines in the back and a basic plasma rifle they are not to be ignored. Thankfully these things ignore most people of the wastes only appearing in packs of 4 to attack a selected target the return to base.
Less common then the Runners Patrol seems to be well the main patrol car of the KPD forces, found actively roaming the wastes and defending those who request it. These ones are armed with twin plasma rifles and a barrier though these seem to be standard loadouts of anything stronger then a runner.
The rarest of the KPD vehicles and yet the most common seen on the battlefield. SWAT is a heavely armed version of patrol with more armor, more equipment and oddly enough more aggression. armed with the standard issue twin plasma cannons, the swat also has a 5 charge barrier and an argus. Generally in combat it is seen sticking around a target and protecting them at all costs.
wastelanders who have had these things as fire support state they have machine like accuracy and timing. Something that is disconcerting to most wastelanders after a few battles with them. Generally the support target simiply paid a patrol a few “cookies” and one of these came up stating they are here to protect and serve.
KPD is a ravager faction, an experiment by “warbrand2” as he was working with his merc build called otis and found reprogramming Ravagers was something one could do with enough time and well the right movies. Finding some old world police movies and training videos he went right to it. Oddly enough he failed in his own protection and got ravaged. Resulting in some of his unique brand of crazyness to pop up in the ravagers that are creating in his garage.
Each KPD vehicle has a brass dragon with its lights pulled out and replaced with ravager eye stocks some where in the build. an example of the one pulled out of a knocked out runner build is bellow.
The KPD vehicles tend to speak with a female robotic voice with a highly energetic tone. One thing that is for sure they hate standard ravagers, to the point that KPD units have been seen attacking ravagers on sight.
Combat protocol
note: data was transcribed from a KPD ravager “eye” from a Patrol unit found near the remains of a ravager patrol and structure of unknown purpose.
Protect the organics, aid any who need it, minimize death when possible. Disarm before destruction, shield the weak.
Unit is to patrol southern wasteland, standing orders to engage ravager forces on sight.
Patrol length 12 hours, return for repairs and rearm once done.
10:00 Patrol start
10:13 Engaged and disarmed lunatic raiding party, issued warning when one threw [censored] at vehicle.
12:43 Wastelander supplied cookies SWAT unit dispatched to support them in battle.
12:48 Contact with firestarters settlement, job request made, asked to take out lunatic group. complied.
13:52 Lunatic group disarmed and disabled, leviathan encountered, barrier supply depleted in encounter.
14:02 Hostile Ravager force detected, investigating.
14:07 Ravagers confirmed
14:08 Engaging Hostiles
14:12 Reinforcement request sent, jammer detected, request blocked.
14:13 fuel tank rupture detected, switching to thor nuclear back up.
14:13 Stackpoll OVERLOAD, detected in target.
14:14 Target destroyed… power supply shot, shutting down. I am sorry YIP.