Wasteland of wonders------i'm still wondering,is anyone else? šŸ¤”

whatā€™s the point? i think itā€™s time wasted on who ever thought of this event,Nuff Saidā€¦ :rofl: :kissing_heart:

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They must be testing some kind of thing, like a new type of token for something they will add in the future.
Iā€™m a bit sceptical.
Containers, Christmas boxes, loot boxes.

I hope itā€™s notā€¦oh my PTSD from older days.

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Just seems like a good way to make people do what they wantā€¦

Oh you want more raffle tickets? Craft an epic.
Oh you want more raffle tickets? Spend 200 coins
Oh you want more raffle tickets? Salvage a rare item
Oh you want more raffle tickets? Fuse any item

People will do it tooā€¦ literally another coin sink for the game.

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Badges are not a plentiful as once was. Sure they can be earned still, However dropping 100 of them a day for a game of chance is far to frivolous use of resources for me.

LOL I said this in a different thread yesterday & one individual came totally unglued over it. Claimingsome
members on the forum were spreading a conspiracy :roll_eyes: :crazy_face: :crazy_face:. I have never trusted a game of chance.

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Are you saying Iā€™m unglued because I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything nefarious about this event?
Seems a little extreme to me, but maybe I come across more intense online than Iā€™m aware of.
I just donā€™t see anything to be suspicious of here, and Iā€™m mildly frustrated with the tendency of many people on the forum to interpret every game change as something malicious.


I also have this view, I tend to play ā€œDevilā€™s Advocateā€ when people criticize a game/development teams. A lot of people donā€™t realize just how much time things take, especially if youā€™re working under another company. And remember, the devs have to eat too, and with the way the playerbase is, things need to be overpriced, the more players a game has, the lower the prices for in game items can be. Iā€™m fairly certain that most of the money Crossout makes doesnā€™t go to Targem, but instead to Gaijin. They need to live too, and you complaining isnā€™t going to change that.

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And again I ainā€™t no gambling man . Never have been never will . So the issue with me saying ā€œI have never trusted a game of chanceā€ Again you are the one jumping to conclusions of me claiming suspicious activity . I donā€™t & never have gambled. Chill out .

Gambling isnā€™t inherently bad but doing it a lot (or doing it stupidly) is. I think itā€™s fun to do just once, like with one or two crates with a tight spread of similar rarity items thatā€™s purchased with in-game currency, but doing it with 100 crates that can give you common items or legendary items purchased with real money is stupid.

This is what I responded to originally. Sure sounds like you are implying there will be something fishy about the results.
If thatā€™s not what you meant, my apologies!

Apologies accepted. :sunglasses: :slightly_smiling_face: :slightly_smiling_face: