We need more “PvP mission” game modes

Well, i did post few days ago about new CW mode with low ps, but its more gamemodes that will benefit the gameplay i think.
I ever was thinking about PVP assault mode, same that you can play on any Batlefield. Just divide map on 3 or 4 stages with diferent objectives like:
Stage 1: Atack team- Destroy the main gate to acces the enemy base.
Defend team- Defend the door.
If door dont breaks, the defender wins.
Stage 2: Atack team: Active 2 or 3 spots (something like hack the terminal) in order to blow to
blow tank fuel that opens next stage.
I think its a lot of escenarios you can create with this formula, and ofc im agree about if they add something like this, must be permanent. Its my opinion but i dislike events where they give prefabricated car to just win few decoration items or paints, the game will be more interesting with new permanent gamemodes.

Have a good day everyone.

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Alright, i will try to compress and post my entire view about the matter.

First of all, Brawls kinda suck imo. I dont find a good enough reason to play on premade cars when in normal pvp i get the freedom to craft whatever i want and join without any special limitations or buffs or whatnot.

Having said that, i understand the reasoning behind having a brawl mode for those who do like it, however by no means imo the game should be revolving around that constantly, like it is nowadays.

Secondly, i welcome new pvp mission modes, however i have to make some key points here.
Having tried everything in pvp, the one thing i love and yet was always kinda of a hardship to play was spider and especialy ml. Bigram is okish, however the medium cabin speed nerf throwed them a little more off too, hover speed buff also.
What is that thing that makes spiders a hardship to play in pvp? Combat pace.
Devs claimed they want to slow down the game, yet it seems like they are doing the exact opposite ( generally im fine with it, but why claim it in the first place if youre not doin it?). Combine that with the fact that people usually prefer fast big damage vehicles for “easy” kills.
While bigrams can follow somewhat the combat pace, in MLs you feel like you are the black sheep of the group and unless the map is small, often there will be times you wont even make it to the action in time.
The 50km buff makes things a little more bearable, but its still not enough to follow combat pace effectively and consistently.
Heck, im driving a mastodon echo that drives around at an average 75km and there are times i cant follow the combat pace effectively even on that speed.

Devs should take that into consideration in any new pvp mode.

Lastly, i think its time the 3 bases maps move to the scrapyard, i understand that devs want to make things more strategic but its not working (although when i play in russian servers, often times there is an unhealthy ammount of people that just runs straight to the enemy base and stays there, no idea why, perhaps there is a boting issue on those servers?).