Weapon abused in helicopter mode

That’s not because the dev put it in the game that it isn’t cheated behaviour, you take some shortcut really fast…What about gamepad assist ? How you called it ? An help for bad players ?

I found it also funny when people give their opinion about others people’s opinion hiding behing the advice of those who don’t speak instead of giving advice about the thread…in this way i found it wrong yes

Giving advice about other opinion is an oriented critic not a free speech as you said, we are not on twitter
Everybody is free to give advice on the thread and on the game not on how somebody write and explain his opinion.
Cancel culture doesn’t have any place here

Aim assist and the ability to use a controller is available to every player on every platform.

A player’s choice to use it is a player’s choice, not developers. The developers should be given proper credit for making their game accessible.

To Be Clear: The US version of “freedom of speech” or “first amendment” constitutionally pertains to speech about the government and what the government itself cannot control. It does not apply to private companies or individuals.

I do agree with the weapons listed, they are a problem. But when I play on wheels… somehow I think bricks are a bigger problem. And with certain bumpers, wedging is back.

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I’m going to use camera steer, aim bot, op weapons, camp in corners, idgaf. Play to win.

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Ha, this is not what you already used ? :rofl:

Duck hunt style…

I’m pleased because for one time we could get a party without bots :slight_smile: but only with starfall and gamepad assistance for most of them of course !

Does developpers are going to do something to have helicopter games other than ridiculous games ?

IS IT POSSIBLE TO REMOVE ASSIST GAMEPAD or put the disabled players with disabled players ?

Great an update have been done on the game ! :smiley:

Nothing done for helicopter mode in order to change ridiculous trend…now the most play build is mg13/mg14 and a box full of PV…
Starfall, Parser, MGs, and others such weapons are always cheated with an assist…allways played from the end of map
Spark allways cheated…

Nice work !

Uhhh… there’s two of these??

anybody there ?
More than one year starfall are cheated and the only things done is an upgrade o_O in the beginning whereas it was already OP, i don’t understand that, and for many months now the assist has reach the level advanced in order noobs could play the game…
I don’t agree with that…
The last update nerf many weapon on the ground whereas the problem was just since one month, so what the fuck with the game developper and community manager ?
Do we have to be friends and whine until the weapon will be nerf ?

It is clear that some weapons are cheated in helicopters so do something !


It’s called “camping” they are the worst players! They take no risks and destroy the game play. But it’s not forbidden! As many have criticized incinerators, etc…


Nota : *For my part, it’s this last update that makes me… Really, it will be the last of its kind because spending my time correcting, STOP! *
As I was committed to doing, we passed this information along, it’s up to you to express your positive or negative feeling

Allways the same cheat, oh sorry, the same shit :slight_smile:
developper sucks and don’t play their own game

Does an update is planned for banning cheated weapon in helicopter ?


Ha Ha :poop:

Always same noobs players with same noob weapon in helicopter nice game :rofl:
Many subject about how easy weapon are coding and always nothing done, but you could maybe grab the next future pack by spending money :see_no_evil:

Your flying to high, there were players in the middle of the map(like that mg guy) that you could of engaged using the hills as cover from the starfall snipers. You should of stayed as low as possible cutting down the angles of enemy attack. Also you should have a Impeller on your build for easier turning, well worth the ps increase.

I agree with you but using the hills as a cover looks like if we play on the grounds, i used many move in order to cut down the angles of ennemy, it works when the guys don’t used an aim assist :slight_smile: if aim assist is ON it is clearly impossible to avoid bullet of mg’s.
I will try to put an impeller to test if it is possible to escape from mg’s bullets but i don’t think so.
Also i dont understand why the developper dont take back the standard assist as it was before…standard, moderate and améliorated is too much for a game played by a human in my mind…
Also i could wondered why do they put this new assist mode ? Is it because helicopter is more difficult to aim ? Is it in order to have more players playing gamepad on their game ? (they maybe spend more money ? :smiley: )
Does the player on console are so noob that it require new assist :smiley: ?
Bah, always the same players playing the same exploiting weapons in helicopter as i ever said. Doing some videos in order to report the exploiting ? no that’s not an evidence because you know, the spectator view is not the same as the player :rofl:
All is said…

Aim assist is only really viable with hitscan weapons like destructor or if the enemy is super close. Aim assist does not factor in projectile speed I think and can actually decrease accuracy by quite a bit for weapons with any kind of projectile speed. Aim assist only aids you in guiding you aim onto the target but when you got projectile speed you got to lead into the target instead and aim assist is actually detrimental for your accuracy in those situations.

Your complaining about aim assist users but the reality is that aim assist users are actually at a disadvantage in the majority of situations in air battles believe it or not especially those that are using the strongest aim assist setting

This is what i said, it’s (nearly) impossible to escape in helicopter from mg14 assist because crosshair is huge like a piece of money and a player with assist only need to push the joystick a little bit to put all bullet in the target despit you are trying to do crazy move to escape.

Starfall is not the same, it can be escape with a little bit of skill because of slow angle move of the weapon that cant allow the assist to follow the target as quickly as mg’s do. That’s why some prefer the cyclone or AC’s that can move quickly.

Try mg13 or mg14 in your garage, focus a target, press fire, then put your crosshair out of the hitbox but near of your target and press fire again, yes it hits, less but it hits. Just put an assist with this and your pretty sure to hit each time until target hide behind a hills or something.

On small maps because of shorts angles between players, it force them to do short turn and fast adjustment of crosshair, with a high sensibility and an assist it give a good advantage on some weapons but i can be ok with that because players have to move a bit in order to have a victory not staying static with the one push buton.

On big map most of players used assist at the end of the map, if they not hit perfect, they hits.
And if they are more than one players using this method it give a ridiculous duck hunt battle where everyone hoping each side it will destruct the opponent he have in the crosshair because he have a better build full of PV. You will recognize them because sometimes they are doing left or right move without any reason :smiley: