Helicopter is a permanent mode since almost one year and nothing was done to have balance weapons whereas when in the air the mecanic is completly different than on the ground.
Some weapons are completly abused in this mode :
Starfall, AC72, Cyclone, mg13/14, m38/39, reaper : because of scope of those weapons or because of easy assist, players used them by camping on their spawn and shoothing until Catalina reach the top, then it’s impossible to approach them without being destroy, the game looks like a duck hunt completely ridiculous…this is the most toxic build used by static players.
Parser : is a cheated weapon that can break helice in two shots, it can also break weapon without touching any other piece around the weapon, something is abusive, when spectating player with this weapon this is a completly non sense with the aim the player target.
Spark : played with 3 sparks and furtive your pretty sure to erase your opponents in 5 seconds, it falls to 3 seconds with two or three players stuffed like this. When you are focus with spark you cant turn to aim your opponent because of the debuff of speed, no skill just push the button
Caucasus : the non sense weapon, like spark, player turn around opponents until the end, no skill just push the button
In my mind Helicopter mode have to be dynamic not static like 90% of the game because of camper sniping since the end of the map or because of exploiter that break your game in less than 30s since the begin.