Weapons BoP and last Update changes

I have no reason to bother with CC anymore after they killed all competitive viability of long range weapons. Its all dogs or mid range DPS builds. The only “ranged builds” are hitscan hovers or that rare super good spike player. Even then those builds are all propped up on the assumption of buildling catalina stacks and not missing taking every shot over 80m w/ Jay. Meanwhile theres favorites, toreros, harpys, etc in full viability with close range because they dont NEED Catalina and Jay to work.

Would others agree that it’s mostly the long range weapons that are hard to play in PVP currently? Seems like most of the complaints I see on the forum are about the dominance of mid-range and close range builds.
I feel like when I started playing Crossout, cannons were constantly killing me, until suddenly sparkvesters and wedges were the scary builds. Since then a lot of other builds have had that role, but I agree that flamethrowers have been strong since blight was introduced.

It’s the wheels. They suck. The only thing you can do with them is run melee, and so that’s we do, of course.

Drones and mines are viable, but the melee dominates hard under 6K.

above 6K long range weapons appear to work fine…
…as long as you put them on Gerridae, and so that’s what we do, of course.

Here’s something positive: Apparently, they updated Augers and improved the handling, but I don’t recall anything in the update (it was a lot of stuff) that mentioned an improvement to Augers.

Anyway, it helps. Now I can actually drive in a straight(ish) line with only one Auger left! I couldn’t do that at all before, I’m pretty sure of it.

That’s what MVP looks like when I do it, sometimes. It’s not always pretty.

I managed to drive that wreck back to the base without too much difficulty, and with no uncontrollable spinning. I was surprised, and thought it was worth mentioning.

The down side (ya, there’s a downside) is that the Auger-Huggin META Is still alive.
I upgraded my Goblins to Gremlins…because I’m an a-hole. Hugs?

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