* Weapons fly off in 1 shot?

anybody else seeing a problem with their weapons ?

i have 2 threshers mounted on my red hot engine.
and lots of times they get shot off at the same time with 1 shot.never being hit before/full hp .
why ?

would it make a difference mounted to something else?
and they don’t seem to be doing much to anyone’s build.
i got them because the update killed my shotgun maces.

why is this game making everything junk ?
i see y players r quiting .

Threshers are very weak so mounting them within the blast wave of cannons is bound to do both of them in a one’er. Even a twin Prosecutor would get you 9/10 times.
Also the hot red is very weak as well (less durability than the Thresher itself) so not a great mounting point. If you’re losing your engine at the same time this is most likely what is happening.

Tbh I noticed some weeks ago my pair of threshers went from being incredibly effective to almost trash overnight without warning. Don’t know whether this was a bug or a change that was implemented between updates but I couldn’t kill anything quickly, even with harpy the penetration and damage was utterly useless. Even in raids where I would previously be all over it with them.
I got rid straight away and at 500c a piece I wasn’t mad either, could buy them back for over 100c less right now but got a Yongwang to replace them. While it’s a lot more difficult to use it’s way more satisfying.


my red hot engine stays but my weps r gone in 1 shot from being shot at from the front of my build, so it makes no sense.

i use them for Clan confron only.
i do get 5k+ points again,my maces use to get that.
they r fun but something happen.
im sure they will fix all weps again shortly.

I noticed last night my frame fell off durung battle but i was being shot at the top of my build not the bottom…but thats Ai battles for you though.Do you have an Omari i think its called to takes some of the dmg?

I would switch to a triple whirl build if maces were your style.

ive actually come across this to oddly enough… i got shot by a cannon before and both my buggy floors behind my cabin came clean off despite me being hit on the exact front of my cabin… physics in this game is weird.


I remember a time when both my frontal hulks were shot off in a single shot by parsers through my cab and from behind my car at medium / long range, im glad they nerfed them, it was half a year of hell fighting against parsers.

I often wonder whether that treat the cabin as something that doesn’t block the blast wave properly, or take it from the centre point of the cabin.

it makes me wonder. in raids when the boss has a scorpion it will go through your entire build. normally if a player uses one it will stop dead when it hits the cabin, but if its a bot in a raid or a boss in a raid it tends to go through your entire build and only disappears when it exits your final piece of armor. im not sure if it did that in the winter christmas event though as i didnt pay much attention… there were a few scenarios that made me question the game though.

in a normal pve match before if i got hit by the bots from lets say a typhoon or a mastodon / mammoth it wouldnt do much. at the most it would just damage the cabin with no visible damage behind. then again it might have damaged something but it doesnt show the hp of your parts so i wouldnt know for sure unless someone had like a graph or something highlighting it. this is where the master cabin would come in handy actually, if it had the ability to show the amount of hp the parts attached to the nodes had then we would be able to get some more accurate information. but that aside onto my example.
in a forced loss match, when i had one, a single bullet from a typhoon or a mammoth / mastodon would rip my weapons and buggy floor off my build despite being behind my cabin and despite them hitting the exact same spot as they did before in previous not forced loss matches. but even when i had my gun mount on the side of my build that would be knocked off to in the forced loss match. in a not forced loss match it wouldnt even be damaged let alone fall off. these things have incredible resistance to damage and yet they all came off in 1 or 2 shots despite the shots not doing as much damage before. imo in forced loss matches not only do they increase the damage and defense of bots by alot, they also increase the blast radius to by a substantial amount as well.
im not on pc im on ps4 so it might be different on pc but i sure as hell notice this stuff.

edit: cannons usually follow the same rule as the scorpion, they cant go through the cabin and stop there delivering all their damage into the cabin. at least from my experience. if they DO do damage behind the cabin then it would be minimal at best. best way to figure this out is to do it in the garage. throw on a long cabin like the baston and shoot it with a cannon from the front and see if anything behind the cabin gets damaged.

Feels like the devs solution to this problem is BUY JACKIE BUY FIN WHALE and outside of that they won’t do anything