Well then

Awesome build. I wish they would give one of those big jap guns that famous Gojira roar.

As for the bug…I wonder how bad this really is. People aren’t really piling on them for it, like in the past. Are there enough people to make a pile still? It’s probably not very helpful when we do that.

I still haven’t seen anything like this. Are you on console? I’m on PC.

I’ve seen quirky things since the update, but not like this. I could swear I witnessed damage from friendly fire or collision once, and I got some wonky matchmaking, and plenty of lag, but no graphical errors, or crashing.

I hardly play anything but PVP, and some of the glitches seem to be from longer lasting play modes like raids, so maybe I’m not just provocative enough. IDK.

Im on PC and have anouther vid with bulet trails still visable static in the air and alot of lights on the ground from explosive inpacts And this is Bedlam

i think its all lag, on their servers

’ you see the others stop and standing still ?

thats lag.

They did move they were just standing there

yes but they are not shooting or turning, they r frozen
and some just keeping walking.

Should’ve set that clip to phonk.

I’m blaming the netcode. I think they messed that up something bad. It would explain many, many issues like animation sync, lingering effects, enemy flyers going one way and then suddenly teleporting somewhere else.

I lagged before but nothing like that after i couldent turn just forward and back and straif left and right first video respawning did not fix…