What absolute crazy insane luck!

I was in the process of crafting a new porc loading up on uranium and then this happens like a bolt of lightning out the blue right before i gets a chance to craft. Free extra porcs and maybe a mastodon on top hooray.

1 hour later

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I really wish this was the kind of an event people in general could make use of, rather than only helping the people already swimming knee deep in uranium to begin with

Instead of reducing the cost, they should have done something like announce the ability to grind uranium outside clan wars to actually make relics more available to all people, rather than this

Every new update I start to feel more and more like the ability to punch developers through the internet would be very cool


Yea I agree there

I literally got like 40k coin richer in a single day. Bought 410 uranium right before the price hike along with all the crafting materials, what are the odds?

Old discussion but have to say, since 2018 been able to buy only one relic, a porcupine in all that time. Not in a clan that does clan wars… So basically I made a decision during 2022/23 to have a relic… And crafted my way towards that goal. Except with porcupines, one needs more than 1. So I still crafting towards my 2nd. Price fluctuates I noticed several K on the market “but” I don’t also want to bankrupt my economy, to still buy resources to continue. One needs a lot of patience in this game. I have bought uranium, have about 100 now but wow, ridiculously expensive. KInda’ wish the developers would stop reserving uranium for the top 60 players. I feel like it’s a very exclusive “rich boys club” and the majority are not invited.