What buttons do you smash?

Just wondering if there are crazy non wasd setups out there like me.

I use the numpad for movement, my fire button is right arrow, i only use the side buttons on my mouse for auto drive and rear view, no mouse clicking at all.

Whats your setup?

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The only odd stuff for me is the 4 extra mouse buttons. I haven’t found a good standard set up for it yet though.

I use QWES for movement, 1 & 4 for forwards sideslipping. Changed 4 of the trigger buttons to mousebuttons, 5th trigger is CTRL.

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I have scope, group #1 and #2 set to my mouse buttons. That makes my mouse have 4 of 5 fire groups on it.

QWES 1 and 4, i never would have thought of that :sweat_smile: :+1:

You could actually have more as you can key bind to key+mouse at the same time. Think about it copy part is ctrl + left mouse button. So you could have cloak on right side button 1 and say verifier as ctrl right side button 1.

Back buttons on xbox controller currently but i got a new controller coming from amazon in a few days time that is in the ps4 layout with symmetrical sticks. It is called the gamesir tarantula pro which is kind of like a weird combination of switch, xbox and playstation controllers.

Santa came early yippee!!! controller even got the clicky mechanical triggers.

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The Horn Button----‘Why So Serious’ my thumb keeps hitting it.it’s the button on the side of my mouse… lol :rofl:

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I only need four, I use “F” for cabin abilities and heli blades. Mouse 1 for main weapons, Mouse 2 for secondaries/alternating weapons, Mouse three for invis, flares or boosters, and Mouse 4 for flares/cloak (if 3 is being used) and rifts.

I use a Microsoft compatible controller. Both on Xbox and PC.