What is the difference?

I was looking at the ravager’s BP, and saw these 2 range containers:


One is worth more than the other:



The contents of the containers are previewed by hovering over this:


I hovered over the contents of both containers, and found no differences (even scrolled down, still the same).



If both containers have the same contents, why is one more expensive than the other? I don’t understand why this is a thing, but also don’t want to waste lighters and regret it later. Can someone explain the differences to me please? :pleading_face:

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yes,don’t waste lighters on this junk.


from what i remember…
the common one contains common items with a chance of getting rarer items.
the blue one is guaranteed at least 1 blue item or better.

its not much of a prize though so dont waste lighters on them.

I wasn’t going to use all my lighters on them, only the ones I have left over after I get the other things I want (thinking about 2 Titan ST). I may be stupid, but I’m not THAT stupid. :laughing:


Aren’t there any fused specials you could get instead? Or do they cost too many lighters?

Luck of the draw, If it isn’t a concrete block or a stack of barrels I will never use. It would be another unused item. Just as the crates, I stopped getting excited about due to the usual low grade winnings. (Stickers)
My last batch of lighters I haven’t decided what to spend them on . Certainly NOT a shipping container full of trinkets.

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