weather it be a close call match or helping an enemy what is your story?
heres mine:
i was in a match one time and i seen someone pinning someone to a wall, i thought it was a team mate till i seen their name come up as red and realized he was pinning his own team mate to the wall, so i stopped firing at the pinned guy and took out the guy pinning him, i just let the guy being pinned drive off to get some points and i didnt shoot him anymore cause i felt bad for him, he did thank me later and said the guy was being a asshole. he did manage to get some points and that felt good to help someone even if it wasnt one of my team mates. btw the guy who pinned him scored 0 points so he did that just out of spite.
I wouldn’t call it crazy, but a number of times I’d be playing some special brawl or event, and one of the guys on the other side was a fellow bedlam player. We’d drive up to other, recognize each other at the last second, honk, and refuse to shoot. Not all bedlam players are savages.
Me and this other guy (random PVP) made it through to the end with one last enemy hover-cannon taking pot shots at us from behind cover (like usual). We were trying to return fire but we both only had wheels on one side, were on fire, and could basically just drive around in circles, and he was just out of range (like usual).
So, we made an impromptu fusion build and scooted our cars together. Then we could drive forward, crawling in a straight(ish) line again, to close in on our foe. We did so, and when that hover-cannon peeked out to finish us off, surprise! We let him have it, survived and won the match.
In random PVP, team work is a rare and beautiful unicorn.
There was this other time, it was at…The Bridge, and there must have been a group, because my team started to cross…The Bridge and formed a wall (the bots may have actually started it), then just did this slow crawl of cannon, MG, AC fire and heavy armor, laying into the enemy all lined up on the other side firing back with all they had.
I was running my usual more sexy than dangerous shotgun build. I just tucked in behind one of the big guys and joined the line with everybody else. Schit was flying everywhere, and we were taking a beating, but we kept crawling.
Once we got across the bridge there was about six bad guys still left, and I looked around me and my team had been shredded, the wall was gone, they gave their all. I was alone…but still sexy.
I looked at the odds, and exhaled. Damnit. I’m screwed…then I saw this last survivor from my team with half his car torn off come out of nowhere and just jump into the mosh pit and rage, so I figured, hell ya, I’m with that guy. I dove in too.
Then there were only 5 enemies, then 4, then 3, 2, won.
This is why I’m addicted to Crossout. Team work in Random PVP is a rare but beautiful unicorn.
I don’t really have much crazy overall match stories, it’s usually either an uneventful match with 1 highlight, or 1 highlight followed by not being able to do anything rest of the match
But just now on the Winter Hunt brawl, I was in 3rd place (79 points) and semi-guarding the number 1 player with his balloons (he had 96 points and I just wanted the match to end so I get my Banshee paint so I shot off 1 person about to bump him and blocked another) but then someone shot said guy with a scorp, and I ended up with the balloons, so I sped off because hey if I accidentally get the balloons might as well run around with them.
I was running away with the entire rest of players after me in a big clump, catching up to me rapidly and my only hope was getting lucky in the power-up in front of me. I got invisibility and popped it while spinning around, and instantly stopped moving after that. All the players spread out while still moving forward, trying to catch the player in stealth most likely moving in some random direction, but I was sitting still at the same exact spot where the power-up was, and then as the last player of this big group was coming right at me I started to move, alerting all the other players with the sound of my boosters, and the invisibility ending right then, and speeding off at full blast into the opposite direction while all the other players got caught in each other while all trying to make a u-turn and come right after me. After that it was just smooth sailing just driving forward and activating the boosters and the other players just could not catch up to me in time and boom 1st place
Tested my helicopter for the first time and had no clue what I was doing. ended up holding my own 2v1. I’ve since reinforced my heli to be a fortress in the air XD My original was barely anything better than a default/basic build. The dogfights were INTENSE!
On the ground, I did a PVE raid with someone who was obviously over-leveled. Dude had the finest. Ended up doing pretty well because I was fast and nimble while he was slow yet powerful. Must’ve made him mad because he tried ramming me every chance he got XD I’m glad friendly fire/damage is turned off.
There was this one match in Crossout that I’ll never forget. It was one of those brutal games where everything goes wrong—our team was getting wrecked, and before I knew it, I was the last one left against three enemies. My build was barely holding together, my front wheels were gone, and I was running low on ammo. Just when I thought it was over, I saw two of the enemies crash into each other in a tight spot, completely stuck. I didn’t waste a second—boosted forward, fired off my last few incendiary rounds, and one of them exploded instantly. The second guy finally broke free, but by then, I was already charging at him full speed, ramming straight into his side. He lost control, spun into some debris, and before he could recover, my impact had weakened him enough that his own explosion took him out.
Now it was just me and the last guy. I had no ammo left, barely any armor, and he still had a working cannon. I knew if I tried to run, I’d be done for, so I went full throttle and played it risky. Right before he lined up a shot, I swerved, clipped his front axle, and somehow flipped him onto his side. At that point, I just circled him, nudging him until the timer ran out. Victory popped up on the screen, and my dead teammates in chat were losing their minds. Someone just typed, “How the hell did you pull that off?!” and honestly, I had no idea either. Probably the wildest match I’ve ever had.
I had something similar happen last week. Some dork on my team kept shooting me and ramming into me on take off. After the 5th match I got tired of it and started shooting him back. We had an all out brawl against each other, on the same team, unti an enemy came and wiped us both out. Then I took my football and went home.