What legendary weapon should I get next?

  • Draco
  • Hammerfall
  • Nidhogg
  • Destructor
0 voters

I need a goal to grind towards, and I can’t decide what I want more.



I’ve never used one, but I like guns that are easy to build around, so that wins the Hammerfall my preference all by itself, but the Hammerfall also seems effective too.

I’ve never been particularly fearful of fire dogs, but I hear the Draco is pretty mean. It doesn’t scare me, though.

I rarely encounter it or the others anyway, as I play under their feasible power-scores most often. I’m probably not a well qualified voter for this poll. Sorry. I did it anyway.


maybe cyclone or devourer as well

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get the one they won’t Nerf next ! :wink:


Eventually I’ll use my workpieces for some Cyclones, but I’m sure there’s some more nerfs coming, and I’m happy with my Starfalls for legendary AC builds.
I hadn’t really considered Devourer, but I think they’re pretty expensive still, so I’ll probably pass on them for now.

Have you used Devourers? Are they any good? I rarely see them in battle, so hard to make an assessment.

I guess that’s whichever one is currently weakest, so maybe Nidhoggs?

I just got a Hammerfall. It doesn’t really impress me. I’m not a shotgun player though.

i got a nidhogg from an event that was fused and its quite good. i have it run with 2 fafnirs, im hoping to get 2 more nidhoggs in the future to pimp out my ride.

hammerfalls are… lackluster if im to be honest. they are stupidly frail and fall off so easily. they maybe small but they sure dont last long.

destructor is overpowered if you can keep the shot on someone. heck if you can keep it trained on someones weapons itll take it off like its wet cardboard. they do take a bit of time to recharge though.

dracos are… situational id say. they can only aim forwards… to a certain extent. they can aim to the side slightly but your really limiting yourself with them. when i used them they just never worked out for me but maybe they might work for you.

id say nidhoggs myself but thats just my opinion. its up to you what you like to run really and what would fit your playstyle.

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I have my comfort zone, but I also like to push myself out of it.
For me, DPS is the easiest and most comfortable, but I’m bored of that kind of gameplay.

Nidhoggs definitely intrigue me, and feel very different from overheating shotguns. So I may go that way.