What's a good gun/guns for high rate of fire

Hello guys I was wondering what the best gun/guns is if you want high dmg and a ok rate of fire.

The free Piercers from the free giveaway packs.

uh that seems a little cheap

I assumed you were new, sorry, but fused Piercers are really good.

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ah what about fused fidgets

Same design gun, with fused seals they are almost nonstop firing, but shorter range than Specters. Get in a bit closer and strip enemy, hit and run, very nice in the right hands.

I guess Millers would be hotter than Fidgets right now, maybe paired with an Aurora.

ah i had reapers and i was not a huge fan are millers like reapers?

I do not own any, but I get shot with them alot. They have an explosive round every so many bullets.

ah ok

millers are epic reapers. did you have reapers before the buff? now their bullets explode sometimes

Millers are very similar to Reapers.
Have you tried Equalizers? Ideally use three with an aurora for heating, although I have also had success just running four Equalizers.

I had 3 arbiters with an aurora, was nice for a while, but I ended up selling them for my reapers.

No, it’s an armor piercing shot. The miller has an explosive round.

For high damage with a good rate of fire, it really depends on what you’re looking for. If you’re after something like a semi-auto rifle, an AR-15 is a great choice. It’s got a solid rate of fire and can be customized for various levels of damage, especially with upgrades like heavier calibers. If you want a bit more punch, the SCAR-17 in .308 packs a lot of firepower, but be mindful of the recoil.

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AC62s ?

We need more information man, what is your budget, do you want to play with a lot of mobility or very little, whats your typical engagement distance? Do you like to strike suddenly and disappear or get into extended fights? Are you playing on hovers? If you are, 10 degrees of gun depression is not enough. These all matter a lot when selecting a weapon.

i love u Bot, but your 4 months Too Late… :crazy_face:


Cannons if you can afford a hardon and a kink

Hadron and a

w h a t


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