What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

‘what’ :face_with_peeking_eye:

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Gaijin’s go-to song:


Look at their new stuff.
Actually, they’re apparently trying to channel some Slayer vibes, I think. :joy:

WTF, Are they opening for the Beastie Boys or something? Don’t know shit about Anthrax

they did that b4 them.when run dmc was with aerosmith,walk this way.

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Interesting. Wikipedia tells me Licensed to Ill is from 86, and that Anthrax song from 87, but it’s definitely the same time period, regardless of who came first.

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show me ,don’t tell me…
they don’t have new stuff…

you ‘really’ looked it up? :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

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Beastie boys was years before

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LOL… yeah, they don’t have new stuff, but their last album was in 2017. That’s new compared to the early Belladonna days - or whatever his name was. Sadly, they’ve gone back to him, I think. His voice is terrible… like really bad.

They’re doing the devil-worship pentagram black eye shadow BS thing. At their age, it just looks silly.

I can’t look it up at the moment, but their last album was “For All Kings.” See if you can find a vid from that if you’re interested in their new schtick.

@MudnBeer @60915652 Here:

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I like this one better


That’s fine Mud was trying his clown act and I pointed him over here… Nothing bad about it though his clan act I mean.

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Lol yeah I saw. No problem :slight_smile: his silly.

Here is another good one - I think most people think these are Beatles songs.

@60915652 Check this one out:

That’s a pretty bad ass, rock ballet??

The band seems like pretty talented music writers

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Space opera but it sounds a lot like 80’s jethro…

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Ah ok, you have so many sub-genre it’s hard to tell sometimes

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