What's your go to song you play when you enter battle

@MudnBeer MudNBeer… bah… I’m over the whole satanic imagery thing. It’s not even really a religious thing (although maybe it should be). I just got tired of the fake imagery thing. Be real or go home, I guess. Unless, of course, you’re GWAR. Then by all means, be absurd. :rofl:

@ FluffyBadger… I actually really like that… good music for the background.

@Dirty Hamster Woah… freaky good. Like a white dude rapping, when I see an all black metal band, I pay attention. Does that make me racist? Do I care? :rofl: worth it for the guitar solo alone. I’m going to have to listen to more of them. I’m pretty sure that’s the 1st metal band from the Togo I’ve ever heard. Good stuff.

@82888150 They are pretty good: Arka'n Asrafokor - Closing Heresy Online Fest (Last Edition, 2020) - YouTube I can’t say I know much about them though… Edit: There is older stuff for them it’s mostly just not posted under their own name. Apparently they’ve been doing stuff for the last 13 years or so just not much in the last few.

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Satanism isn’t the only fake thing in that clip. I’m always annoyed at the lyrico-symphonico-melodico metal bands. They all sound and look the same and you gotta wonder who benefits from producing 500Nightwish clones every decade.

Anyway, on topic:

French band, african singer, massive sound; somewhere between ethiopian jazz, and RATM.

That doom recording is criminally good, and with less than 120views on that song… I’m sorry guys but this won’t do. Singer’s not on pitch? Who cares, Ozzy wasn’t on pitch on Sabbra Cadabra either, he was on fire :fire: (or on drugs, that works too…)

I love that they straight up covered their album with b&w tits, crosses, bats, leather and gothic writing, and called it “Bad taste” :joy:


That first one took a minute to get going… once I did, I was into it. Nice. Weird. I like. Your descriptors were pretty good. I also got some System of a Down vibes in the changing rhythms & vocal styles. Good stuff.

Check out how many of the earlier rock stuff was absolutely recorded by studio musicians, and criticizing someone for daring to be “off key” starts to seem a little silly. I remember seeing certain arena-filling bands that absolutely SUCKED in person. It was only later I realized who I was listening to on the record or tape was probably a completely different group.

Along that train of thought, and a song that’s pretty good for XO is Sabrosa. Now, I now the rep the Beasties have & had. I refused to go see them live when they were touring with Paul’s Boutique because I had no interest in a “party band.” The kid asking me to go (and basically drive for him since he was underage) sweetened the deal by paying for my ticket, gas, beer etc.

I’m glad I eventually agreed. They opened with a 20 minute instrumental not unlike Sabrosa. I was blown away. Not only were the Beastie Boys playing instruments, but they’d tuned their set-up to sound amazing in Atlanta’s old Omni arena which was an echo-chamber from Hell. Only Nirvana matched them in that, but the Beasties put on a better show.

Anyhoo… here’s a couple of Instrumentals from the Beasties. I’ll let you guys decide what genre these belong in, because they’re certainly not rap or punk.

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I listened to the mix-up for a while. I agree, the Beastie Boys are impossible to put in a box. I don’t think I heard two albums that sound like they’re in the same style, yet it all sounds like the Beastie Boys. Go figure. My most solid theory so far is black magic :joy:


Yep… I’m a convert. I went from thinking they were a bunch of party-boy poseurs to realizing they’re one of the very few very original and authentic groups. They did their own thing to a fault, and I loved pretty much every minute of it.

It is funny that songs by them I thought were terrible, other people say are their favorites. Go figure.

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I like!

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I honestly enjoy an incredibly wide variety of music… just booked tickets to Vivaldi & Carmina Burana for next year.
On the flip side, I’ve seen Public Enemy, White Zombie, Pantera, John Denver, Cher, Bon Jovi, and dozens others live, too. There’s not much I can eventually learn to like and even love.

That being said, I had a pretty good chaotic match & wanted to share the footage. :grinning:

Then, when I started splicing the video, I thought… yeah… the music in the background might be a problem for some of these dudes. :crazy_face: :rofl: :banjo:
Daily Motion:


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Seriously innapropriate music to blow people up :joy:


Dam. I am going to be listening to Maiden all night. :smiley:

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I used to listen to this old rock when I was younger.

But I listen to mostly new music now.

All the old hair band stuff is kind of :poop: to me now even though I used to love it.

Same… as in went to at least one arena-sized concert a month & several smaller shows every single month for years.

Now, I’m just like… bah. whatever.
Even worse are the newer bands who try to emulate the look & feel of those bands. Some of 'em, like Anthrax, are old bands that dress & act like they’re trying to imitate Black Sabbath from 40 years ago or something. Sad.

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Good luck imitating that incredible swag:

No but seriously, good luck imitating Ozzy. Dude is straight up possessed live (when he’s not too high to do anything).

Unlike most of you, I have never been a fan of metal. So I can’t really get tired of it :blush: Everytime I meet an actual metalhead my age and he starts asking me about Korn, Slipknot, Sepultura, Deftones, and the billion nu-metal bands he’s into I’m like “Excuse me sir but I don’t know these bands and I don’t know you :neutral_face:

They never heard of my favorite doom bands either anyway. Worse, most of them think Metallica, a band that has been creatively dead since 2 decades, is the GOAT, and never heard of Accept who have been shitting top-tier albums for half a century.