* what's your goto build you play that's the funnest? šŸ˜‹

Iā€™ve noticed this also. Most of my builds are 10k, I am more likely to play against 14k builds than 10k. Doesnā€™t matter, I still shoot the same.

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On PC, the X899 trick still works pretty well, but itā€™s by no means fool-proof. I often get several matches in a row where Iā€™m the top-dog, but then it breaks & goes to me being dropped in a match with people multiple thousands higher than myself. :man_shrugging:

Then, there are the builds that always get the MM ugly stickā€¦

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Well this happens a lot now, even solo. Running under 9k will grab these lobbies all the time, this may look cherry picked but it was genuinely my latest <9k scoreboard screenshot in the folder.

Then if I play 12k I get this:

It seems like running under 10k is now more efficient than running under 9kā€¦ the limit of what 9k would grab seems to be what 10k now grabs, on Xbox at least.

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Lances or Fortunes, all power scores.

Not cherry picked at allā€¦ way back, I mentioned that kind of PS spread, and certain folks on here insinuated I was lying. So, I shared some screenshots of examples even worse than what you have & the insinuations stopped.

There are tricks to get the MM bullying to stop - if you want it to stop, but theyā€™re not guarantees.

One is to just return to garage the second the lobby timer starts. Thatā€™ll generally give you a new group of players to play against.

The other is to just switch to a completely different build.

Iā€™m convinced the game tracks your performance in certain builds & the MM goes all nutzo if youā€™re successful with one. That actually makes sense, so I donā€™t really mind.

I can handle 1 -2k PS spreads, but when youā€™re getting hit with 3 to 5k, thatā€™s just helpless & hopeless unless youā€™re already seal-clubbing.

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Canā€™t say that I have ever gotten stuck on invisible decor with them. Most of the stuff I use to get stuck on or in theyā€™ve fixed and were very visible lol i.e trees, posts, inside of boatsā€¦ So now itā€™s pretty much safe to drive it fairly recklessly like a graceful madhamster.


Donā€™t you mean a Dirty Graceful Mad Hamster?

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most recent from last couple times I was able to play. Fun they were!


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At 10k I often get in matches with 14k, sporadically 18kā€¦

Especially if I leave the lobby the MM seems to just slam you into the first slot available.

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