* what's your goto build you play that's the funnest? 😋

here’s mine… :kissing_heart:


I can’t choose… ALL the builds I have saved are my favorites lol. Except the new cannon daily build, but don’t like cannons.

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Triple whirl, Ermak, Oppressor, Bootstrap, Fused Radiator, Grizzly, And a bunch of fused APC wheels. Gets over 4k durability at 8999 and is an absolute unit. The thing can basically power slam into an entire enemy team and still take one down. I use it as a break in build to motivate the blue berries to push, once they see me send it they usually follow. The triple whirls have so much impulse that they can spin hovers if you focus fire them. Not 100% sure how to get pictures off xbox, if anyone knows feel free to let me know so I can properly show it off.


I play it a lot, very entertaining to be able to smash through enemy lines and survive. I like it more than my larger builds, those are for CW anyway. Its only real weakness is triple parsers, double athenas, or triple destructors.


I take a pic of my monitor on my phone. When I am not too lazy.

Or I record it on OBS then screen capture it.




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One of my favorites is my ‘TheFellHammerV11’. Need to update it to V12 using the pegasus. Its a wheeled photon destructor stting at 14k(15k after i update it with the pegasus im sure). Ill post some picture later. Its a beast in PvP and was in CWs also, before the penetration changes. With another 600 dura, its should shine once again.

I build idiosyncratic gems, true 1 of 1 builds that still work against the meta.


For me it’s my trusty Nail Nerd, not the best thing ever but it’s kinda fun to do ok with something like 4 Arguments. My for fun build used to be a 2 nest 2 trombone high ps hover, but with how ineffetive most explosive weapons became after the armor change, coupled by the Nest not being that great to begin with, it’s really hard to have any fun with it anymore. I don’t need it to farm mvp’s, but I would at least want it to feel like I am actually doing some kind of supporting. The Trombones do that, but the Nests now feel like a waste of energy that just bloats up the ps. Well they were a waste of energy already but now they feel like it even more so


I posted it already, it’s some anti-wedge thing I made back when wedges were a problem, that turned out to be the wedge to rule them all lol. It’s still lifting people effortlessly despite all the tweaks to wedges.


It’s basically the same build on the box as PC. This has to be my absolute favorite, because it’s the one build I made sure I could make on both platforms. I hardly play it though /shrug.
my Xbox build looks nearly the same, but doesn’t have any parts on it from the Polar Lights.

  • what’s your goto build you play that’s the funnest? *

Excellent question and idea for a thread!

That thing sounds fun! Is it in the exhibition?

For a very long time, mine was a version of Charlie’s hold my bear build. I moved a few parts around and swapped out the cheap and easy parts for some higher end fused parts. There’s literally nothing all that special about it other than the fact that for its powerscore, it is an MVP machine. It’s also very easy to swap out a variety of weapons. Shotguns, machine guns, Auto cannons can all be swapped out in seconds.

I recently decided to revisit the concept of a high durability low power score build, similar to hold my bear, but focusing on parts with special resistances.

That new build isn’t fleshed out yet, but at the moment it is certainly prettier than hold my bear. That’s completely by accident. Lol. It’s current weakness is that it gets nuggeted for some reason every few matches.

The next time I get to play, that is what I’ll be focusing on. Fixing that build.

For as much as I like Parts Variety in the game, when I play PVP for long stretches, it is almost always in something like hold my bear. Straightforward, no frills, simple point and shoot gaming. Lots of fun. The winning certainly helps.


Screenshot of the silly op wedge for you. For some reason it lifts everyone and their grandmas despite all the changes.


I like this one for raids.

I built it as an experiment using the advice on this forum (some thread) in regards to building better frames. It’s not fit for PVP, but as it turns out, it tears up normal raids, is fast, kicks out heaps of dirt and fire, is good for jumping off cliffs with a rebel yell, and has cool sound FX. I’ve kept it around a lot longer than I thought I would…that thread about frames was helpful. Thanks.

This one I like for PVP. It’s more Wedge like, and not so much what I want, as what I can get to work in PVP…but I do like it too…for a shotgun wedge.

It’s probably not fit for raids, and would get destroyed in there, I think, but it does great in lone-random-PVP. It’s my goto for PVP, if I need to win.


Welcome back Doc.


I’m not sure if it’s funny but people always say it won’t work and it does…


Are those Maces?

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Yeah It’s mace, chameleon, cheetah , shives, cerb, fully upgraded. It bounces and rolls well. It’s on the chunky side but still fast.

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It’s a mace-terpiece. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Only thing that scares me are those shivs. You never snag on random invisible decor with them?

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Link your xbox to a twitter or onedrive, then when you take a screenshot load it up and upload to one of those, then you’ll have your screenshots from xbox… it’s a pain but better than phone pictures


My go-to is my dual Fortune w/ Aegis but with radar detector which throws it over 9k a little

On console 9k seems to grab 12-13ks a lot more often now so I’ve started disregarding the 9k threshold as much, I have a version of this build with a 2 point gen and no radar which was 8999 but this one has a 3 point gen and radar detector.

The radar helps a lot especially when solo, the Fortunes I’ve found a love for almost greater then Crickets, the arc you can get can drop over cover really well and bouncing off edges into spots is a skill ceiling I absolutely love and the things you can do with these aspects make them so much fun to me.

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