Where is our 1 energy generator?

With the recent double energy changes the game needs a 1 energy generator to fill in the gaps, something the size of a regular ammo pack :zap:


Would make sense to add a 1 energy common generator. Good for new players, and those of us that like to keep our energy total low.

Since the energy change, I’ve actually been using the gas generator again. Much more useable now that it has increased durability, and the energy count works better for a lot of my mid PS builds.


Coming soon to a pack near you… lol


If they made a 1 energy common generator pack-only, even I would rage out about that.

I could kind of see them doing it on those small entry level packs.

You mean the free ones? I can see that actually.

Those and the $9.99 ones.

never getting added, it would be too much of a sensible update for targem to bear

If they make people pay anything for it, I will make my first ever “greedy cash grab” thread.

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they cant make you pay for it, thats why it wont exist

Can’t believe for once I agree with you. I had exact same idea.
And while we at it, need 3 energy one as well.

make it pack only item that can’t be crafted like duster cab :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

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And which new players do you mean? :rofl: According to statistics, it is not worth dealing with new players. The numbers are still falling, albeit slowly, and it’s only a matter of time before it reaches an unbearable minimum. And this game deserves nothing else. :ok_hand:

My clan pulled in lots of new players since I started it. Turns out there are way more of them than I would have expected.
Most of them don’t stick with the game, but that’s normal for any game, and especially for any F2P game.

I will say that the most active players are definitely people who’ve been playing for longer, but again, that’s pretty normal.

Can we have a rare (blue) 3 energy generator too


Hi, Dirty_Hamster, Poony4u,

A relic’s one (500 €) !
