Mine is, one Chord mg @ 13500ps classiC on a 12 bigfOot munnin Omamori fintail yeti Lance king n modules.
I only play 12kps+ classic & 10kps+ Uranium Wars
Mine is 1 SM Hornet at 250k PS.
250,000ps. I doubt that.
You’re saying that you play a 13k ps build armed only with 1 chord?
Ummmm, sorry, can you repeat the question.
Oh right…nope, i didnt say that.
Nice fake narrative attempt by you tho.
I feel like your treating this post as your own little grandstand, but its mine
Now im confused.
Happy grinDing
I never 4got.
I leave that to you.
Happy grinDing
No, he also has a lance and a king.
TheIceWalrus probably the only goliath build in existence that is worth a damn. Build is soo addicting it is mainly all I play with these days. Flash and two skadis
Well now
Busy allies
I watched the first match. Th@s all im watchn
Happy grinDing
Yea the gameplay gets better later after i got used to it and adopted a few extra tricks and made a few extra adjustments to the build
Refining is a long fun process.
Build and roll originals
I normally do not watch vids. If i watch one, i gotta watch em all, but not if i only watch 1 minit…
i didnt consider the probability of social media vids, my bAd,
but others will be viewing so that will be good for yU maybe
Not hard to believe it got better by 50 fold
Happy grinDing
Well that’s gonna be my final crossout video which is why i made it a long one( I don’t expect people to watch even 2% of it). After this it will prob just be music uploads, I’m laying off this game, drove with it after 10 000 hrs I’m finally throwing in the towel.
Send it to your entire um, thingy um, it’ll come to me, um,platform, as a logout gift😉
For sale whot, w8 whot, w8
All the best
Ill also sell you my account for 10 000 dollars if interested, if you can’t afford that then 10 000 in 90’s mcdonalds hockey cards would do.
50 and 50 nba 95’
No deal unless it is mcdonalds
try making a skadi dog. i dunno if the exhibition is crossplatform, though i can give you an example of a build that will be more useful that you’re currently having
Boring(Yawn), i got firebugs and don;t even use them in dog form let alone skadis, not my style.